Chapter 8

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Tuesday, April 17th, 2001

It's been several emotional years. Dana's sister, Melissa, and father had passed as well as Mulder's parents, and on top of all that, Dana had been diagnosed with cancer until it had gone into remission a couple years back. Death has surrounded them both.

But together they got through all the sorrow and guilt that came with the death of their loved ones and they came together. Their love has strengthened and grown over time and they've finally taken their chance to be together, and it's beautiful.


She sat across from him at the desk, glancing up at him every few minutes to see him staring back at her. Finally she asks, "What're you looking at?"

"I've never really have taken the time before to really bask in all of your beauty."

She blushed at the reply and looks back down at the file in her lap.


"Yes, Mulder?"

"Did you ever wonder as a kid what it would be like to have a job?" He laughed to himself, "Because I sure did, and I never imagined It to be like this."

"To be like what?"

"I don't know, sometimes the days go by faster than I can even realize I'm living that day, and others are slow."

"What is today?"

"Today is in between. You make these days more like that, more worth being patient for, or forcing them to slow down just to stare at you a little longer."

She smiled back up at him, "And what did you imagine it would be like in the workforce?"

"I always imagined being a writer, not like a journalist or anything like that, but a real author. When you're a writer you aren't putting others in danger, or hurting anyone."

"Mulder," she paused. He was blaming himself for his parents deaths and her abduction again. She had been kidnapped and close to being killed several times, but Mulder was always there to save her.

"Please don't blame yourself. We all put our loved ones in danger, I've put myself in danger working here as well."

"But don't you ever just want to-to run away?"

"What would I be running from? I'm not afraid."

He looked at her plainly now, "Really, Scully? I've seen you sleep before, you nearly don't at all. You have nightmares all of the time."

Dana furrows her eyebrows and looks back down at her work, "Well at least I don't get caught up in trying to find someone I know I can't save."

The room grew silent and she would not stare back up to him, she meant what she said. All of these years, he has been searching for his sister and she hasn't showed one trace of ever returning, and he's so persistent in looking for her that he's been caught in the past for too long.

"Scully, I'm not saying your fears are a bad thing, Hell! I think it's what makes you stronger. I'm just saying that this job has taken things away from you-referring to her inability to have children-why do you choose to stay?"

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