Chapter 9

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Chapter 8 Continued...

He stared down at her bottle lip and Dana's heart raced. Her back was pressed against the counter and she thought of how close he was now for her to be feeling cramped. The air between them became thick with their own breathing.

She opened and closed her mouth looking down at her feet for anything to say when Mulder took her face in his hands and kissed her sweetly.

It felt serene, but after a moment, Dana pulled back, "maybe we shouldn't."

She wasn't sure that this was the right thing to be doing, they've been good friends for several years and she didn't want to put that on the line. He was just telling her that work has been the causation of all her losses. If he's right, then maybe this is another loss set in stone.

She pressed her two fingers to her lips, reminiscing over the past eight years of their lonely partnership, and she stared back up to his eyes, his forgiving, kind eyes and her knees buckled beneath her.

If things really did go wrong in the relationship, she was unsure that she would be able to work down in the basement office with him anymore, and that would be one awkward reassignment story with A.D Skinner, and she was worried she would miss him.

But, she thought of something her mother had told her many times before, you'll never know what might be unless you take a chance. That was when she wanted to join the F.B.I. Dana knew he would be upset with her when she told him that she was giving up a career as a medical doctor to become more distinguished. Her father didn't want her to, her mother didn't rejoice either, but she was much more sympathetic.

He would be upset with her now, seeing her contemplate her relationship with the man in front of her. Her father could be rolling over in his grave right now, but then she really thought on this. If her father was still alive, she wondered what he would really think of this Spooky Mulder.

Then she thought back to Emily, don't let them-talking about her possibly future children-grow up with a crazy father. Was Mulder crazy? He was a little spooky and had his quirks but Dana didn't think that Mulder was crazy, well maybe just a little bit, but he sure was the most decent, kind hearted, thoughtful man she has ever met. What is she thinking? Kids? She doesn't even know if this man will be in her future.

She can't help her thoughts from going haywire, her brain was working overtime, her mind was stuck on an endless loop of feelings and questions. She couldn't imagine what Mulder was thinking, what she looked like to him contemplating everything in world's existence.

Mulder! Dana looked back up at him, realizing that she just spent ages contemplating their entire possible future together when he was standing right in front of her, standing their with his pouty lip, that damn pouty lip. She imagined herself biting that lip.

"You just considered this whole thing, didn't you?" He chuckled and waved a finger between the two of them.

Dana couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed but laughed right along with him.

He smiled at her, "You're so beautiful," and he brushed her russet hair that shimmered underneath the luminosity of the single light in the kitchen, behind her ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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