An Apology

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     Hi guys... It's been awhile. I'm really sorry that I've been gone so long. I really am.

      This is the first time in a while I've actually had access to Wattpad for a while. So I thought I should use this opportunity to say hello! And let everyone know that I am not dead.. yet. I will try to update at least once as an apology... but no guarantees.

     For those of you who were wondering what was going on, I've been in a little.. rut for the past few months. I haven't officially been diagnosed, but I do have a bit of depression. I do NOT self harm though. My mom has helped me and I should be going to see a therapist. :) I also have anxiety, which is one of the main reasons I felt the sudden urge to apologize for my absence.

      Life has been ok, but I have lost the once burning passion I had for writing. although I still read like crazy. Anyway, I just wanted to prove that I'm still alive and fighting my through it. If I do decide to update for real, I hope you will all enjoy it. Thanks again for sticking with me this far.

-Insane Robin out

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