26 Dinner Party

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Song is Broken Record by Krewella. The photo is the Dinner Party. Actually not really because the dinner party in this chapter has no one from this picture lmao.

The shower hurt. It washed away the blood, and dirt. The bite on my throat ached, but the spell or whatever it was that Cain did cleared my airways. I could speak, but it hurt to do that too. When I stepped out and dried off, the mirror grabbed my attention. The stars were littered all over my neck and collar bones. Some were mangled looking or disappeared entirely from the stitches and the bite on my neck. It had turned into a nasty rash, but my skin wasn't feverish after a cold shower. I hadn't begun to hallucinate so that was something.

I dress slowly. Jeans and a fresh tee shirt. Black, in case I had to kill someone... again. Though I hoped not because my shoulder was killing me. I grab the sword off my bed, and rinse it in the water. The bone was a variety of colors, and was smooth. It's energy was real this time. I hide it under my mattress before leaving the room, walking down the wall and rubbing my shoulder which ached.

The stitches held, but all it did was stop the bleeding, my muscle was torn and my collar bone still felt like someone broke it. When I made it into the main room, only Kol and Cain were there. Kol was flipping through something like looked like a grimoire and Cain was on the balcony, his back facing me. The glass doors were shut behind him, yet as though he sensed my presence, his shoulders tense.

"I'm ordering Pizza." I announce to Kol, who looks up from his book to see me. I grab my phone from the coffee table, guessing someone put it there earlier when I was too focused on the pain and blood to realize it. "Italy's the best place to order pizza. After all-"

"Don't start." Kol cuts me off, his eyes back in his book. I frown.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I plop down on the cushion beside him. Then regretted it immediately because it sent pain down my arm. I slowly got back up to my feet. It didn't hurt as much when I stood up. "What's wrong with you?" My blunt question is met with a hostile gaze. Then it dissipates into indifference.

"Nothing. Just not in the mood for your history lessons, we all know Pizza has Italian roots." He mutters, signaling an end to the conversation. Clearly, he was upset with me. I didn't realize with what, but figured he'd soon get over it. Kol was one of my best friends. It wasn't a matter of if he'd get over it, but when. "I hope he's not staying for dinner." The Original Vampire gestures to the balcony, where Cain stood in the same position as when I first spotted him. "I hear demons have bad table manners." He adds with a small smirk. I roll my eyes.

Before I can reply there's arguing and then the elevator slides open and Bastian enters, Francis in tow behind him. My eyes widen, meeting the dark blue ones of my little brother. Francis huffs dramatically, like a child who was dragged to a family reunion. The analogy was quite correct, actually. "How's your shoulder?" Bash asks me, his tone going from a heated argument to brotherly concern in less than a second.

"Peachy." I wave at him dismissively, then add. "What's Francis doing here?" My voice casual, though I didn't like the tension in the room because of our unexpected Guest.

"You left me downstairs, Bastian." The elevator dings, and opens to reveal Barbie Mikaelson. Kol looks up when the bitchy voice and a grin splits open his face. He jumps up to give his sister a hug. Francis rolls his eyes, though he seemed more relaxed upon Rebekah's appearance. I look at my older brother, who's hair was growing long and some strands were in his face. I throw my hands up, giving him a look. He was smiling and just shrugged at me. I groaned internally, thinking that the balcony looked inviting right about now.

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