Words Escape Us

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I see my mother, she is drinking again. Straight out of the bottle,  not bothering to even use the glass next to her.

I remember this day, I was only eight years old. My mother had been fired from her job as a waitress at a shady diner down the street.

I was her mini me. Our light hair, green eyes, olive skin, we even had an identical freckle underneath our left eye. She however, smelled of whiskey, cheap sex, and cocaine. I smelled of lilacs, sunshine, and childhood innocence.

I was hiding from her, in the pantry, she hadnt noticed me trying to sneak some food. She rarely cooked, and I was currently grounded. I had to tiptoe down the stairs, and run into the pantry. I used to pretend it was a game, sick as that seems.

The phone rings, causing me to jump a mile in the air.

My mother answers, her voice groggy, and words slurred. "Hello?"

"Oh hi Sally Ann.

Yes, I was fired from Harry's.

I think it was his wife, he wouldn't get rid of me, I was the best sex, he would ever get."

I nearly vomited,  at my mothers words, but I am drawn back in whej I hear my name.

"Yes, Lena is still being a little snot nosed brat."

Sally Ann, my mother's only friend in our small town, was just like her, only she had a little compassion. She would take me to movies, out to eat, etc. when my mother was too drink to notice our absence.

"Well she is grounded at the moment. Little bitch went through my wallet, then lied to my face, saying it was for school."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed with my mother, of course, I went through her wallet, I needed lunch money, and I couldn't ask her.

In my annoyance, I accidentally knocked over a box of cereal from it's shelf. My little body shakes in tremors,  knowing when I hear the phone being slammed on the table, I am in trouble. I could try to run, but she had me trapped.

The door swings open, and there stands my mother, her green eyes livid.

"Lena." She says calmly. "What are you doing?"

I stumble over my words. "I'm...getting...something to...eat.."

"I told you, you are grounded, even from food!" She screams, as she brings her hand down, and strikes me in the temple, as if God Almighty had given her all the power in the world.

I remember feeling weak, defeated as she beat me, but I also knew in that moment, that I would run away for good, when I could.


I wake up to the annoying beeping sound, of the machine to my right. I feel the needles in my skin. My eyes blink open, looking around.

I'm in a hospital room, and I don't like it.

"Lena?" Comes Claire's gentle voice, and accompanied by a slight squeeze on my hand.

I try to speak, but my mouth is dry.

"Duane! She's awake." Claire yells, and I hear movement on my other side.

I still only see the ceiling, but knowing that my 'parents' are by my side is slightly comforting.

"Hey, sweetie. Scared the crap out of us out there." Duane's raspy voice comes from my left.

"Was anyone else hit?" The question echoes in my brain, but I can't verbalize it.

"Hey, is she okay?" I hear Justin's smooth voice.

"Just woke up, bless her heart." Claire says.

"Lena," I hear Claire move over for him. "I'm so sorry, I should have jumped in front of you. I tried." His voice cracks.

"Oh Justin, this isn't your fault." Claire says.

I feel useless, laying there as they converse.

"I hate seeing her like this." Duane says, and the others voice their agreements.

"I called her mother, the woman didn't even care, but she will be here in the morning." Justin says, and I'm glad to hear anger in his voice.

I feel my eyes widen. "No! Don't let her near me."

"I'd love to give that woman, a piece of my mind, Lena has told me stories about her, terrible things." Claire tells the others.

A lone tear streaks down my face. I want to talk, make them feel better.

"Mrs. Claire Hunter?" A new voice asks.

"Yes, that's me." Claire says.

"This note was left for Ms. McGee, but I was told to give it to you."

I hear Claire fumble with an envelope,  and pull out a letter.

"Who's it from, Claire?"

I hear the gasp.

"Claire what is it?" Justin growls.

"It says-

Read this out loud, so the others can hear.

Mrs. Claire Hunter. I want to thank you. You are Lena's friend, you took her in like the wounded bird she was when she came to you. You have shaped her to be a fine young woman. She is beautiful,  she always was.

You must understand however, that she had a life before the FBI, she was a little whore back in Montana, but she never even noticed the guy that really cared about her--ME.

I love her, and I plan on taking her back, none of you should stand in my way. You should know now what I am capable of doing.

Come and find me."

The notes words echo in my ears, as a few stray tears trail down my cheeks.

"Come and find me."

"I will." I think. "I will find you bastard."

AN: This chapter is slightly fluffy-ish for me. I'm sorry if you think so also. Let me know what you think, it makes my day to hear from you all! :)

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