Showing My Skills

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"So, we have hit another dead end, even Mr. Biker Man couldn't give us anything to work with." I say, sitting in a chair facing the wall, while Claire cuts into the victims flesh.

I hated looking at the bodies while she worked her magic on them, so I sat facing the wall if I had to talk to her.

"Well don't worry sweetie. I'm sure the body will give you something to go off of." She reassures me. "Oh, and if you can sneak away at a decent time, I'm making meatloaf tonight for the boys."

"I'll try to be there." I say.

"We do love having you over sweetie." She says

"I assume you do, I'm over every night." I laugh, and she laughs too. I hear the slickness of an organ being removed from the body,  and then being dropped carefully into the scale, I resist the urge to vomit.

"Well the boys love you, and well I always wanted a daughter, and sweetheart you came in like a heaven sent." She says, her slight southern draw, coming out when she speaks. She tries to keep it hidden, but sometimes she slips.

"How are my two favorite girls doing?" Comes Duane's booming voice through the door to the autopsy lab.

"I'm doing just fine, our victim however, has seen better days. She has multiple stab wounds to the abdomen, a gunshot wound to her upper left shoulder, at close range. I'm assuming she knew her murderer, its just too close a range for a stranger to get, unless they held her at gunpoint. She was however, also suffering from a rare liver disease, that makes her liver look like a seventy year old, heavy drinker." Claire pauses for a breath. "She would have likely only lived another few years, unless she got a liver transplant."

Duane hands me a coffee, not questioning the fact that I was staring at the soft grey walls, nearly the same shade of Duane's eyes.

I sip it slowly, and listen to them converse about the victim.

"Hey, Lena, what did Mia and Justin find at the apartment?" Duane asks.

"Just a few journals, a few alcohol bottles, and a set of keys. Nothing too horribly important." I say, not turning from the wall. "The keys were all just copies of the keys to her house and car, no storage lockers, or anything in her name. She only had one credit card, nothing abnormal in the past few days. No next of kin in the area, her mother lives in Oklahoma, she has been called, her flight leaves tomorrow morning."

"God, I'm so proud of you. I swear, you are a heaven sent Lena." Duane says, causing Claire and I to both laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Oh, just everyone thinking I'm a heaven sent today." I say.

"Hey sweetie, the bodies all stitched up, yoh can look now." Claire's gentle voice says.

I turn around, and watch as Duane helps Claire put Ms. Deidre Larson, into one of the freezers.

"Lena, I want you to talk to the mother when she gets her tomorrow, everyone likes you." Duane says, and I nod.

Interviews were sometimes my favorite parts of this job, the answers, or lack thereof always helped piece together the puzzle. The reading of body language,  that contradicts the words.

"Well I am going to check something out, you two go home, Lena eat some of Claire's famous meatloaf, then get a good night's sleep. I need my two best women to be in tip top shape tomorrow."

"Good night Duane." We both call out, as he walks out.

Claire shuts off the lights to the table, she also moves to take off the bloody scrubs she was wearing.

"We just need to run this to the forensics lab, and then we can leave. Unless, you have something else." 

I shake my head. "I will run it to the lab, just pull the car up front. I will be there in a few."

"You are truly a heaven sent Lena." She laughs, as I leave the autopsy room, and work my way down to the forensics lab, where our geek squad lived.

"These are Claire's finds from Deidre Larson, some blood samples, the bullet, fingerprints, and something she found in one of the stab wounds." I say, handing over the evidence, to Tommy, one of the scientists.

"Thanks Lena, we will get right on this." He says, and after thanking him. I walk out the door.

I didn't even noticed that it had started to rain, until I walked outdoors, trying to find Claire's car. She honked her horn several times, and I walk up, opening the door.

"Hurry sweetheart, you'll melt in the rain." She sayd, laughing.


I watch her leave the building. She looks so pretty even in the rain. Her light hair, falling beautifully into place. She hasnt aged a day in the time since I last saw her, the day she left Montana.

I'm positive her eyes, are still the same beautiful green, that always looked like they knew something you didn't. Her lips, I can still picture them, plump and kissable. I dreamed of those lips, and the want to brush mine against them.

I watch her get honked at by that little car, I don't want to think about her having a man in her life, but when the driver turns their head, I see the feminine details. Maybe it's a friend. Good, she has some friends. She didn't in Montana. She didn't even notice me, the only one who cared.

Even now, with my handiwork being presented to her on a silver platter, she still didn't notice me. I wanted nothing more than for her to notice me, to love me.

I would have her one day, the beautiful Lena McGee would be mine. No matter how many people I had to murder, to get to her.

I loved her.

AN: Woah, this was a fast update, it like just came to me really fast, and I didn't stop typing. Hope you enjoyed, let me know what you thoght about it, and umm have a good day :)

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