Chapter 2

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I blinked a few times and looking around to see if the principal said what he actually said. 

I turned to Lilly, "Did he just say-"

Lilly was squealing loudly then stopping to exclaim in my ear, "AN ALPHA HAS COME!!"

I slapped her arm and hissed at her to quiet down before the adults start picking on us. 

She only frowned at me and I felt a little guilty and murmured a quiet sorry.

Frowning as I turned my head back to the stage while the principle was delivering the rest of the message. Whatever the heck he said I had not heard it but now, staring at the stage I was hoping that the Principal really didn't say Alpha James. 

He's changed my life in ways I didn't need it to be and if he's here...

No, don't complete that thought! 

If he was here, my family's in much danger and I have to go warn them.

But before anything else could happen, a man in a dark suit walked onto the stage, another man behind him. The first man turned his head like he was scanning the crowd.

When I had felt his eye pass my section, I immediately felt sick. I got up, staggering slightly, a small gasp came from behind me before I finished rushing up the rest of the stairs. Opening the back door and rushing out.

I needed to get out of here.

Looking around to see if anyone was in the halls before sprinting down the wide hallways. 

It felt too empty, probably because there were no students to dodge between in the rush to class. 

Quickly making it to the set of stairs setting apart the floor levels, swiveling my head around again and checking my surroundings quickly. 

Satisfied that no one had seen me, rushed down the stairs only to be greeted by more men.

Eyes narrowed as I scanned quickly which was the best course of action from where I was. 

Thinking a little fun was necessary, I jumped from the fifth stair and landed on the man with his back to me, claws extended and lodged into his neck before quickly yanking them out and leaping off of him. 

Quickly landing on my haunches and before I could move further, I heard a click and cold metal pressed lightly against my forehead, trembling slightly. I looked up at his eyes, confident and slightly fearful. 

"Don't move," his gravelly voice rang out. 

He thinks he's won. Hah! 

He moves his other hand to grab something out of his pocket. 

Taking his eyes off of me, I use that small time to whip out my leg from beneath me, tripping him. 

Jumping onto him, sitting on his chest as I dragged a claw down his face, leaving a scratch mark there. Not good enough, she whipped out a pocketknife, Pathetic, as she plunged the knife into the man's chest. Satisfied, I got off of him and strolled to the exit.

Reaching to open the door as a flash of light blue hair greeted me from above that had me staggering back. 

Blinking a few times before recognizing the girl standing in front of me, blocking my way out of the school.

Standing confidently, a smirk plastered across her face as she brushed invisible dust off of her arm. Her outfit was tight black jeans and a dark shirt that said something but I was too far away to see.

"Get out of my way," I growled.

Her lips tilted into a fake pout, "You haven't seen me in a while and this is how you greet me." 

I scowled at her, "I don't need to greet a traitor properly, Caitlyn."

Her smirk returned, her arms now crossed. "Well, at least you haven't forgotten me, Anabell."

Rolling my eyes while realizing that I could use the back doors. Smiling at her poisonously, "Well, I'd love to stay and chat but I have to get going."

Her voice came back just as venomously, "Leaving so soon, you coward."

Ignoring her, I turned and made my way through the halls and towards the gym only to see her there again. Scowling, I decided maybe going back upstairs and jumping out the window. It wouldn't hurt me. 

But what about those men, there could be more.

Ignoring my thoughts, I made my way up the stair, only again to see her sitting cross legged at the top stair giggling slightly. 

"Oh this is extremely pathetic even for you, Bell." She purred. 

"Let me leave, Caitlyn." Was my only reply before moving past her. 

I walked past her only to all of a sudden be pushed back down the stairs by strong hands.

Black filled my mind as my head hit against the stairs as I tumbled down. 

Somehow, my claws had been lodged into the floor and I was blinking stars out of my eyes as I glared up at Caitlyn.

She stood at the top, smirking triumphantly. Using the fact I was being at the bottom of the stairs, I quickly rushed to the exit, unguarded and busted through the doors. 

"Bye bye, Baby sister," a melodious voice rang out behind her as she ran for the woods.

What'd you guys think? How is it so far? Did you like this part, this is literally the first fight scene I've written in a while?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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