08 | Not So Easy, Huh?

Start from the beginning

“Eight-thirty?”  My eyebrows rose.  “Where does he live?”

“Washington.”  Falice grinned.  “We met at camp last summer.”

Beth and Caroline snorted as Falice said “camp.”  Another inside joke I was guessing. 

“He’s such a cutie,” Beth mused.  “He made her that bracelet while they were there.  Look at it; isn’t it, like, perfect?”

My eyes moved over to Falice’s wrist as she held it out.  A pink bracelet decorated it.  I blinked.  The bracelet looked professional—more professional than any handmade bracelet I’d ever seen.  “Wow,” I said blankly.  “Did you guys go to art camp or something?”

Falice gave a short laugh at that.  “Not quite.”  She paused, and I thought she was texting her boyfriend, but then she turned her phone toward me.  “This is him,” she said.  “I don’t really have any pictures seeing how we have a long distance relationship, but I should get some good ones this summer.”      

I looked at the picture.  A photo of a boy stared back at me.  He seemed to have taken the photo himself, because the angle was as though he was holding out a phone so that you could see his face.  He was on the tan side and had dusty brown hair with brown eyes.  A small smile hinted at his lips, tentative as though he wasn’t sure he really wanted to smile or not.  “Ooh, nice,” I said, giving Falice a smile.  “What’s his name?”

“Will,” Falice replied.  She glanced down at her phone and that same smile she had while texting appeared.  “I made him take this picture so I could have a contact picture.  He didn’t appreciate it.  If I recall correctly, he was mentally flipping me off at the time.”

“How loving.”  I laughed.  Though I probably should have been concentrating on Ashlynn and my problems, I couldn’t help but be thankful for this short distraction.  My disappointment seemed to be slipping away as I talked to Falice about her relationship with Will.  I knew that I’d have to turn back to my problem at hand, but this break was seriously appreciated. 

“Isn’t it?”  Falice laughed.  She paused as she received a text.  “Dammit, Dyer!” she hissed playfully to her phone. 

“What did he say?” Caroline asked, eyebrows raised with curiosity. 

“He said, and I quote, ‘Screw you.’”  She pouted.  “And then he stuck his tongue out at me.  Because that’s mature.”

“Oh dear,” Caroline mused.  “What are you going to say to that?”

“What I always say when he says that,” Falice replied.

“What do you say when he says that?” I asked, taking another bite of my pizza.  I’d never met Will, but I could tell that they had one of those cute relationships that everyone wanted.  And it was long distance, too, which just made it more amazing that it seemed to be working so well.  Diana had a boyfriend from Texas a long time ago, and they lasted two weeks before calling it quits.

“I tell him that there’s no sex in the cell.”  Falice caught my expression and laughed.  “It’s an inside joke.”

Beth and Caroline shook their heads, laughing. 

What “no sex in the cell” meant, I had no idea, but I wasn’t about to ask.  Instead, I laughed along with the other girls.  I’m pretty sure that would take a lot less time than her explaining me the whole story of how that inside joke came to be. 

“Oh good, you’ve found someone to sit with,” Kendall said, appearing at the empty seat beside me.  She grinned.  “Glad this situation isn’t awkward.”

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