School Ties

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Every new friend is a new adventure the start of new memories

- Patrick Lindsey

Olivia's (POV)

Today is my first day of fourth grade. I'm really excited and nervous at the same time. I'm excited because my mom and I get a fresh start but I'm also really nervous because I'm afraid that no one will like me. I've been here for three months or so and I only have one friend Ryliegh she great and everything but I don't want to have just one friend back home I was popular and had so many friends I just wish that's how it goes here I mean is that so hard to ask for I don't think so. Right now I'm lying in bed thinking about how the day is going to go. As I get up I go to my closet and figure out what I'm going to wear

 I decided on wearing a grey shoulder length shirt pair of blue jeans, a jean jacket, a purple and black checkered belt, purple black and white plaid shoes, a flowery purple scarf, and a cute hat, My mom's friend Amelia took Ryliegh and I to get s...

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I decided on wearing a grey shoulder length shirt pair of blue jeans, a jean jacket, a purple and black checkered belt, purple black and white plaid shoes, a flowery purple scarf, and a cute hat, My mom's friend Amelia took Ryliegh and I to get some school supplies and then my mom repaid her buy taking us for back to school clothes. Do to their busy complicated work hours Ryliegh and I don't mind it our moms do this kind of stuff a lot for each but they call it paying in interest whatever that means. After I got dressed I went downstairs to have breakfast Alex another one of my mom's good friends was in the kitchen cooking pancakes

Alex: Morning,kid want some pancakes?
Me: Morning Alex and yes I would love some
(he hands me a plate of pancakes with syrup on the top)
Alex: So did you sleep well?
Me: I slept okay I'm just kind of nervous you know.
Alex: No I don't know tell me what's on your mind kiddo
Me: First of all stop calling me kiddo or kid my name is Olivia got that
Alex: Okay sorry so what's on your mind ki....... I mean Olivia.
Me: I'm afraid that I won't make any friends and everyone will hate me.
Alex: Listen if nobody likes you it's their fault your a great,funny, smart and creative person you also are really great at keeping secrets something I learned is that when friends tell you their secrets they tend to trust you and that Olivia is a major key at making friends .
Me: Like when I found out that you and Aunt Jo where going to have a baby and you told me not to tell anyone anything because the last time she was pregnant she had a miscarriage.
Alex: Exactly
Me: By the way where is Aunt Jo?
Alex: Oh Aunt Jo is that what we are calling her these days I guess that makes me Uncle Alex
Me: I guess so ...  I mean besides Amelia and my mom she is the closest female I feel as if  I can tell her anything you know
Alex: Yeah
Me: Well I really gotta get going and catch the bus
Alex: Bye see you later
Me ( Screaming across the room) Bye to you too Uncle Alex.


As I arrived at the bus stop which is at the corner of my street. I see a few other kids my age with their moms and dads. It wasn't the part of their moms being with them because I know my mom works very hard and she really does try her best to be a great mom it the dads who are with their kids that gets me upset because I never knew my dad. I know that you can't miss something that you never had but what if something happens to my mom who's going to take care of me then. I also wish that my mom could find someone to love like she loved my dad she deserves it more than anyone. One of the girls comes up to me, she has brown hair kinda like mine but straighter and she also has blonde highlights and her eyes are brown when she reaches me I realize she is taller then me not by much though

Unknown: Hi I'm Emma what's your name
Me: Oh hi .... my name is Olivia
Emma: Where's your parents?
Me: My mom is a doctor and has a very busy schedule
Emma: How bout your dad
Me: He died before I was born
Emma : Oh I'm sorry
Me: It's okay I could never miss something you never had you know
Emma: True but to not have a dad that must be sad
Me: It is but my mom and I get by she has a lot of friends that help
Emma: Cool that's nice, So the bus is going to be here soon but do you want to meet my best friend Paloma and my twin brother Noah
Me: Sure, but who would name their daughter Paloma... I mean it's a beautiful name I just haven't heard of anyone naming their kid something like that
Emma: Oh well her mom and dad are really big art people and before she was born her dad learned that Poblo Pacaso had a daughter named Paloma and they loved it ever since
Me: Oh cool

As we were walking towards the others she talks about how she has lived here her whole life. She introduces me to the other people waiting for the bus

Blake who has blonde hair and greenish like eyes is e tall for his age standing at five feet and six inches tall at the age of ten he tells us that being tall runs in the family. He seems to be okay but I can't get over the feeling that there is something off about him

Alexa has dark brown hair she wears glasses so I can't tell the color of her eyes but they look kinda of light brown with tad of yellow and red when we approach her she's reading a book that's way beyond her age which gives me the feeling that she is a nerd like me.

Noah looks just like Emma it's kinda weird aren't fraternal twins not supposed to look alike he seems really nice but unlike Emma he's shy

Silver has really blonde hair with black highlights she gives me the impression that she's a bad influence she gives me this strange stare like I have something on my face

It doesn't take long for the bus to arrive I pray to god that the rest of the day is like how it is now just meeting different kinds of people and hopefully make more friends

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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