Memories Never Forgotten

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Derek (POV)

Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.
– President Obama

It's called the Shepherd Curse, it doesn't matter how hard we try people in my family or even people who  are close to us end up dying at a young age and in very unnatural circumstances.

It started off with my dad, One day my little sister Amelia, and I were at my family's convenient store with my dad like we did every weekend.

Amelia and I were playing in the back of the store when two men came in they had already pulled out a gun when my dad said that they can take all our money. But they didn't want money they wanted his watch and when he said no they shot him took the watch and ran. My little sister and I saw the whole thing but they didn't see us. Amelia was never the same again in high school she got into the wrong crowd and started using drugs until one night her boyfriend Ryan had overdosed and he died two weeks later she checked in at a rehab center and finally turned her life around while she was there she found out she was pregnant and she decided to keep the baby it was a girl Amelia named her Ryleigh.

During all of this  I was the one who had grow up fast I become the man of the house at first it was hard but I got used to it but then again who was I kidding I knew it would happen sooner or later it happened twice before why not a third time you know that saying they all die in threes so it decided to take the love of my life Addison Montgomery

Addison and I were High School sweethearts and we went all through college together. After college we moved in together and got married. We were finally going to start a family when she was killed. She was a first responder firefighter on 9/11 she never made it out.

And so after Addison died I told my self that I would never fall in love again. A few months went by when my best friend Mark who I have known since I was ten asked me if I wanted to enlist in the army with him. He said that Addison would want me to fight for what killed her she would want me to fight for our country and protect others to make sure it wouldn't happen again that was two years ago and I am so grateful to have a friend like Mark to help me make the best decision I have ever made I truly believe that Addison would want me to fight.

We get to go home tomorrow. I decided not tell Amelia. I want to surprise her the only people who know I'm coming home are my mom and the chief of the hospital for which Amelia works at. Mark doesn't have a family my mom pretty much raised him when we were kids and basically adopted him which is why we're so close. So the plan so far is that my mom is picking us up and dropping us off at the hospital. I just can't wait to see Amelia and Ryliegh who is ten and going into forth grade I wonder what she looks like now

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