Moving schools

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It was just like any other day. Wake up, walk downstairs to dad gone, eat breakfast, get ready for school, and leave. You looked around for anything that you might need and saw a note on the table. It reads, 'Dear (Y/n), I enrolled you into a different school. It's called Collège Françoise Dupont. You start today and school starts a 8 sharp. From, Dad' You looked at the time and it was almost 8:00. You ran out of the house and all the way to school. You didn't to far, only about 9 minute walk and a 5 minute run. You burst into the classroom and everyone turned their attention to you.

"H-Hi," you greeted them panting a little bit. "And who would you be?" the teacher asked inspecting you. "(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)," you answered looking towards her. "Well, you can have a seat in the back next to Nathaniel, the red head," she told you and you nodded walking back to the seat she told you to sit at. You sat down and looked at what he was doing. You looked at his drawing in shock. He is really good.

"You're good," you whispered to him. He looked at you with a tint of pink on his cheeks. "T-Thanks," he whispered back stuttering. You smiled and held out your hand. "I'm (Y/n)," you told him. "Nathaniel," he said shaking your hand. The rest of class was boring but hey, at least you made a friend! You were happy to have someone for the first time.

Time skip lunch

You walked around trying to find a place to sit for lunch. You found a corner that looked comfortable and sat there. You were comfortable and it was peaceful until some blonde bitch came over. "Oh look Sabrina! The newbies sitting in the corner all by herself! Ahahaha!" she said laughing. You gave a 'are you fucking serious?' look and continued eating.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! Are you deaf or something!?" she yelled getting irritated with you. 

"Maybe yes, maybe no," you answered. 

"Don't talk to like that! I'll tell daddy on you and make your life miserable. My dad's the mayor after all," she said smirking at you. 

"Make my life Hell? Oh sorry to little to late," you stood up and walked away. Everyone had seen what you just did and were a little surprised.

As you were walking back to class Nathaniel started running after you. "(Y/n)!" he yelled finally catching up to you.

 "Hey, Nathaniel," you greeted turning to face him. 

"What you did back there was really awesome," he said smiling.

 "Thanks but that was just nothing. Just like any other day really. I've had worse. Way worse..." you said staring off into nothing, thinking about all the beatings and bullies.


You were walking to your next class at your old school that you hated. "Hey, freak!" a kid yelled walking up to you. You looked at him with a bored expression and continued walking. "I'm talking to you!" he yelled walking in front of you. He punched you square in the face. You fell backwards and just sat on the ground. "That's right stay down there where you belong!" he said snickering and spat on you.

You stood up and walked away to your next class. You jaw was bruised and numb. You didn't care. This happened everyday. All the kids called you freak, weirdo, and other things like that. They beat you up and bullied you because your dad already did it. No one actually knew that your father did this stuff to you but you always came to school with cuts, bruises, and sometimes a broken bone.

End flash back

"(Y/n)?" Nathaniel asked waving a hand in front of your face. You snapped back and looked at him. "Are you ok?" he asked concerned. 

"Y-Yeah I'm fine..." you said wiping away a tear that escaped. What happened next surprised you. He hugged you. You tensed up under the contact. 

"You can tell me. I'm here for you," he said pulling away from the hug and putting his hands on your shoulders. "Got it?" he asked and you nodded making him smile.

The rest of the day went by like a normal day that happen in movies and that kind of stuff. It was great for you. Sadly, the day ended and you went home.

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