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Lucifer's POV

I did not expect that reaction. The look in his eyes ripped my heart out. He looked so scared to hope that I was telling the truth, but the yearning I saw... No one should ever feel that way. That's the whole point of my system! I may not have intentionally made Carriers, and Protectors, but I did my best to finagle the system to prevent lack of care as much as possible. I pair Humans with Demons to prevent prejudice and promote equality. Humans take on Demonic qualities to prevent loss. Carriers literally hold their Protectors hearts! Unless chosen by both parties, one cannot live without the other. In the case of accidents, I have foster homes set up, where I personally chose the staff for their kindness. That also helps the infertile couples, rare, but it does happen.

And yet this still happened, right under my nose! I always assumed Max kept his child away during business only. I'll have to make this up to Christian. But first, I should put him to bed, he's had a trying day.

I gently took my slippers off his feet, wasn't hard, my feet are a good three sizes bigger than his. I pulled the covers back and tried, key word tried, to lay him down on the bed, but his death grip hasn't loosened in the slightest. Hm, guess we're cuddling. I'm happy about that, but I don't like the circumstances that caused this. Also: I'm still in a suit. Even with my powers, changing won't be possible... underwear it is. Hopefully he won't mind.

I layed carefully on my back, struggling slightly to adjust Chris' legs from around my waist, to tangled with mine. I left his arms be, they weren't moving, I knew that.

I groaned when I felt the sun hit my face, guess I forgot to close the blinds. That's fixed with a wave of my hand, but now my bed is uncomfortable. What the hell? My bed's like a cloud so why all of a sudden? Grumbling slightly, I pried my eyes oped to see that Christian was no longer clinging to my chest. Nope, he somehow managed to bury himself underneath me, all while remaining wrapped around me like a vine. Now that's what I call magic powers.

I tried to roll off him so I could wake him up, but he's basically glued to me. Alrighty then.

Christian? My response was him burying his head deeper into my neck. Christian, it's morning. Time to wake up. I reached back to gently rub his head, and he groaned. Come on, just a little more, wake up for me baby.

I chuckled when he mumbled a 'no' and tried to move his head away from my hand.

No can do baby, I'm sorry but you need to wake up. You have tutoring today. He finally lifted his head to sleepily glare at me. You can have a nap later, if you like? I coaxed.

Fine. He grumbled before letting go and falling onto the bed. He looked up at me so hurt, I was instantly hovering over him, scanning him for an injury.

What baby? What happened? Are you hurt? Did it happen last night? Why didn't you tell me? He caught my hands and glared at me, the betrayal clear in his eyes.

You let me go. You promised and you lied! I don't know why I thought you'd be different! Get off me! He started thrashing and trying to shove me off. My adorable Carrier is so tiny, I simply lowered myself, letting my body weight hold him down.

I did not let you go. You somehow burrowed yourself underneath me sometime in the night. With the grip you had on me, there was no way to move you without injuring you, which I will never do. He slowly calmed as I talked and when I looked at him, his face was pink and he wouldn't meet my gaze. It's alright, this outburst was perfectly understandable. I am honored you think I am different. I will do my damnedest to be the best kind of different from the life you've had so far. I will not lie, nor will I break any promise I make to you. You are my Carrier and I am your Protector. I have waited centuries for you Маленький, I intend to be as close to perfect as possible. I smiled stroking his hair as he looked like I hung the moon, just for him. And if he asked me to, I would find a way.

What does that word mean? The weird one? He asked with the most adorable head tilt. I want to pinch his cheeks and coo. No idea why though. Must be the human behavior I've picked up over the years.

Маленький means little one in Russian. I have a fondness for the old language, I can't quite explain it. It's true. While there really aren't multiple languages anymore, (maybe 3-4 total survived) I love some of the old, now dead, languages. Like Russian, Gaelic, Greek, and one or two more. They have no use or purpose anymore, but I'm still fascinated with them.

Oh. I thought Russian was dead, how do you know it?

I was around when it wasn't dead, that's how. I've learned quite a few languages in my life, and most all of them are useless now. It's a cruel irony. He laughed at that.

Yea I suppose it is. But, maybe, if you.. He paused, suddenly shy again. If you wanted to, you could maybe teach me, and then they won't be so useless. His cheeks were pink.

I would love to teach you any of the languages I know, however it will have to wait until you finish your tutoring. I don't want to overwhelm you. He pouted up at me.

Fine,now get off, I need to pee. I couldn't help but laugh at his bluntness, but rolled off as he headed to the bathroom.

I do believe life with my Carrier will be a wonderful roller coaster. I can't wait.

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