"What's the matter now?"

"I'm thirsty, Erik," Angelika moaned. "Can we please stop by the river for a quick drink?" The stern boy parted his lips to speak so she added quickly, "I promise to walk a thousand kilometers without a single word if we do."

"You know she's going to pester you till she gets what she wants, right?" Albert commented. "Besides, if we dehydrate completely, it'll be more trouble than we need."


Despite being their guardian, Albert always asked for Erik's opinion. Earning the boy's trust was a difficult yet vital step. Bent by the loss of innocence and anger, it seemed he developed a habit of mistrusting people and calculating the risks which may occur by the moves he made. War had the tendency of breaking people but the raggedy man still wondered. How was the pair found? Were there more of them? What were they doing in that medical building?

Albert rolled his eyes when Angelika clapped her hands in joy, sending sparks flying. The petite girl reminded him of his persistent, mischievous sister. Eliza would also bug him until he gave her what she wanted. He watched with a faint smile as the little girl tried to hug her friend. 

With newly found energy, the young mutant chatted her companions' ears off. The distance failed to affect her stamina for she was in a better mood. She wondered if she controlled water instead of electricity, could she have a drink whenever she wanted? Or would that drain her seeing as she was the one creating it? Albert snorted when Angelika suffered from a brain cramp and Erik barely acknowledged her silly theory.

"Water!" Angelika shouted, rushing towards the steadily flowing river. Cupping up a handful, she drank greedily. She felt like her insides had dried and shrunk but the cool liquid was now soothing them.

Erik frowned when his head suddenly became wet. His childish friend began to laugh at this, pointing at his direction. "You are so annoying, Angelika."

"Your words contradict your thoughts, Magneto." She drawled, a lazy grin displayed on her face.

"Magneto," Albert repeated with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Is that like a super secret superhero code name?"

"Yes," the girl spoke proudly, "I think it fits him very well." She frowned as she heard her friend thinking what a stupid name it was. "A stupid name for a stupid boy, isn't it perfect?"

The tall man nudged the unhappy metal bender, whispering, "Shakespeare once wrote, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.' It basically means women are scary but they are scarier when angered. Bear that in mind, Erik."

Pouting, Angelika sat on dry surface. The poor excuse she wore as shoes had worn off; she could see some of her toes poking through the gaping holes, and there was no cushion to protect her feet.

Instead of complaining, she watched Albert reading the map and checking the compass. Their plan was to stay in the wilderness. How? Well, it was not ethical but stealing from the nearest town seemed to be their only viable option. Winter was coming, they needed food and clothes to survive, and no one would harbour three Jews on the run.

Angelika was scared. They did not know how long the war would last or who would win. Although Erik told her with certainty that they won't be pursued like animals in the very near future, she wasn't quite sure if he was trying to convince her or himself. She was proud that she hadn't cried.

She snapped out of her thoughts when a horde of birds fluttered their wings in distress. Like a dark arrow in the sky, they flew away. Maybe it was one of those migrations to mate, to find a better shelter. However, Erik's panicked expression stirred an uneasy feeling deep down in her belly.

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