Zayn looked at me as if he was indeed concerned, but I knew him well enough to know it was an act.  In my five hundred years with him, I knew how to decipher his looks and actions.  Zayn was just trying to get information out of me and trying to get the real reason why I've been gone.

"Like you've got room to talk, Zayn," I snapped.  "What all has Victoria contributed?  Opening her legs for you?" 

"At least he has someone to screw," Victoria snapped back.  I looked at her and pulled out twenty pounds and waved them at her.  She gave me a sarcastic grin and then returned to messing with her hair.  I looked back at Zayn and saw he was giving me his death glare for insulting his girlfriend.  

"Harry, you are one out best fighters and have incredible instincts.  We need you more than anyt-"

"So I'm just part of your army against no one?" I interjected.  

"Harry, you know that our Family has committed crimes that would result in death before the Coven," Liam said matter-of-factly.  "We need to be able to defend ourselves against anything."

"Like your little killing spree on Lana's town and family?" I snapped.  Those words were the best way to get Liam's temper going.  Liam loved Lana so much and always regretted killing her family in front of her, especially her brother.  

Liam tackled me from across the room, pinning me into the chair.  The force of his body and strength made the chair fall on it's back and caused me to hit the back of my head on the hard, tile floor.  I closed my eyes as my skull met the ground and grunted in pain.

When I opened my eyes, I found Liam wrapping his arms around my throat and starting to squeeze.  As I looked into Liam's eyes, I noticed that he was starting to morph. His brown eyes were starting to turn to slits and his fangs were becoming daggers.  

With every squeeze he made, I felt like he was trying to squeeze my head from my shoulders.  He knew that choking me wouldn't do much, he would only be wasting his strength.  After a few seconds of him trying to choke me out like a human, I punched him in the stomach as hard as I could and when he clenched his stomach in pain, punched him in the nose.  With the force of the punch, Liam fell backwards and on to the middle of the floor.  

When I stood up to gather myself, Victoria had completely morphed into her true vampire form and tried to tackle me.  As she flew in midair and flew full speed at me, I simply stepped out of the way and watched her fly into the wall, like a witch flies into a tree.  Victoria was good at being stealthy when it came to getting what we needed, she wasn't the most skillful fighter.

When I looked back at her, all I saw was a crumpled, pale grey, winged vampire.  Her curly reddish hair tumbled over her body and wings.  As she laid on the tile unconscious, her body started to morph back to the general form.  Her wings slowly recoiled into her skin and her skin returned to its ivory skin tone.

I looked up at Zayn and Liam, who had healed and was now sitting next to Zayn, with a pathetic look.  Liam was still glaring at me with the "You better not sleep tonight" look.  I gave Liam a wink and smirked at him before returning my attention to Zayn.

"Why does she even try?" I asked Zayn.  He looked at me with an irritated look and told me to sit down again.  I rolled my eyes and obeyed him.  Zayn took a quick look at Victoria to make sure she was okay and when I looked back, I saw her getting up.  Her fangs hadn't quite gone back to normal yet so she looked like a pale walrus. 

"Harry, you need to knock it off.  You are part of this Family and you can't go out as much anymore.  It's becoming an issue, especially when you don't tell us what the reasoning is," Zayn said through his gritted teeth.

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