Chapter 1

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Ah, here it was. The first day of school. The daily morning as it always was. Me and Nicole, my sister a year my junior, yelling at each other to hurry up so we can take our showers and get ready to roll. Of course, this was normal for us. Nicole seemed to have an issue with time management, as she always did. I, for one, have no patience for it, however, my parents seem to have more patience than they were raised to hold.

"KENNY, STOP YELLING AT YOUR SISTER." I heard my mom say from downstairs.

I groaned, and walked to my room. I obviously was not gonna have any time to shower, so I would have to go without showering for the first day. Good thing I showered the night before. I would have looked like trash if I hadn't.

At 17, my parents are pushing me to have a girlfriend, but see, people around here are literal shit. They're selfish, rude, and just plain horrible to be around. Of course I have friends, but nothing more than that. I'm pretty sure once I turn 18, I'll escape from this shithole so fast not even my parents will expect it.

Getting dressed, my eyes set upon my phone. As I had predicted, dry notifications. I had really had fake friends.

I grabbed it anyways, slid it in my pocket, and went downstairs with my backpack, basically filled with supplies until I could receive my textbooks, possibly tomorrow.

The aroma of fresh brewed coffee and buttermilk pancakes had welcomed me, and eventually lured me into the kitchen, where my mom was standing by the sink.

She hadn't even looked at me but already sensed me coming. "Sit hun,", she said, motioning me to the chair. Mom's were like that.

"Your daddy is upset that he couldn't see you on your 1st year of 11th grade. He had to go to the police station really early today, but he'll be home later today. Now eat."

I hated how my mom always tried to make conversation with me while I was with her. It would always be awkward or annoying, sometimes both. Nevertheless, she was my moms, and I was stuck with her until I got the chance to leave.

However, today, she seemed a bit quiet. I didn't know why, but I chose not to ask for it might have sparked another conversation.

I finished my plate, and took out the soap and sponge. I was ready to clean up the whole thing myself, but my mom decided to take it. I guess she was being generous today.

I said "Bye, mom" and opened the door. I barely stepped out into the warm August sun when I heard her say "Wait up!"

As I stepped back in, she told me I needed to wait for Nicole. I rolled my eyes and looked at the time. 8:05. School started at 8:30. I had to go check on Nicole and tell her to hurry the fuck up, or we would be late. ON THE FIRST DAY.

I jogged up the stairs, but I saw the bathroom door was open. However, I saw Nicole's bedroom door closed. I heard giggling. She obviously wasn't getting dressed, she always did that in the bathroom to save time.

"You're so cute when you giggle like that," What an unfamiliar voice... sounded like a phone call.

Knocking on her door, I said "Nico, you ready?"

"No not yet, almost though!" she said in a sort of not violent way. This was not her. Who even was she talking to? I shrugged it off, and left downstairs.

I looked out the window at the front of the house and saw a U-Haul truck parked in front of the old McLaughn house next door. We never thought someone would buy that house.

My mom saw me looking out the window, and saw what I was looking at.

"Well gee, they finally sold that piece of crap. Ain't even worth nothing." She said.

It was a shock for me too.

"I guess I'll go outside and have a peak at the new neighbors."

My mom nodded, and I headed out for the door.

I walked along out semi-cracked sidewalk, looking up at the old, almost completely worn out house. Whoever owns this house now obviously isn't that rich. Poverty was a real problem around the outer area of this town, but it seemed to crawl into the old McLaughn house.

No one was in the U-Haul truck, and the house seemed to be "asleep" somehow. I guess they had arrived early morning and fell asleep before they could start unpacking. Must have been a long ride.

I kept looking around for any sign of life, and nothing. That's when Nicole ran out of the house, wearing her usual band t-shirt and tight jeans. She wasn't really the typical "emo" person, but she surely was a band person. Today, it was Guns N' Roses. She ran toward me as I looked at my watch. 8:15. Guess we had to get going.

She caught up to me, and looked in silent awe as she saw the U-Haul truck at the old McLaughn house. "Damn, someone was really that desperate."

I ignored her comment and we walked along the sidewalk in a straight path, leading to Hanson High School in the warm Mississippi land.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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