A/N Not An Update

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Sorry!! ;w; I know some people really like this story.

However, I'd like to get to the point..basically, I don't know how to continue this story. I feel like it's just little adventures with you and Glen.

I don't want it to get repetitive or boring to read, and so I want to spice it up somehow.

But then there's another issue, I'm not sure if I want to continue this story. I have other fic ideas that I'm dying to start. I can, of course, but I'd like to address this fanfiction before moving onto others.

Oneshots are easy, you don't need any background information..you just go for it. No matter what it is.

However, actual stories require thinking. Background. It takes a lot to make two characters fall for each other, it can't be immediate.

To be short, I don't know if this story will be continued. I still find this topic cute as hell, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.

I don't know when the next update will be..sorry again. If all else fails, I'll try to see if I can start up another Chucky fic.


Your Cute Adopt (Chucky Fanfic::GLEN) Glen Ray & ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now