Chapter 1

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It was nearly midnight when you picked him up, he was asleep in the back seat of your car. The cold rain hit your windshield as the wipers drove it away.

You sighed in content, the quiet was nice. It was like adopting a kid. You felt fulfilled. He snored quietly, and quiverred a little in his sleep. Cute. He looked as though he was having a dream, he was smiling so it must be nice.

You looked ahead as you saw your house, dim lights filling it. You turned on W. Mountain Rd, your street, and into your driveway.

Parking and exiting your car, you quietly opened up the car door and picked up your new family. He woke up but was still sleepy.

"M..Mommy?" Awe. His British accent made you want to squeeze him.

"Shhh.. It's late, just go to sleep. You can sleep with Mommy tonight."

He yawned and hugged your arm with his frail hands, closing his eyes again. You smiled at him as you brought him inside.

Your house was small, you lived alone after all. It wasn't extremely tidy, but one wouldn't call it messy. You tiptoed back to your room, setting Glen down on your queen sized bed.

You pulled the blanket over him and made sure he was nice and tucked in before settling yourself down.

You were a bit shy to hug him yet, so you just slept near him, like a dog and its owner. However, you didn't see him as a dog, of course.

It wasn't long before you fell asleep beside him.


When you woke up he was already gone.

"Glen?" You called out his name. To your relief, you heard the soft pitter patter of his small feet. He arrived in your room not moments after.

"Yes mum?" It was like an arrow pierced through your heart.

"Oh uhm..Are you hungry? I'm sorry, do you even need to eat food regularly?" Hell, I don't know anything about this kid. I don't even know if he's a kid! God, I'm treating him like one though.

"Oh, I don't have to eat. But I like the taste of food." He smiled happily, his sharp teeth adding to his quirkiness.

"I like food too, Honey." You pause, "It's uh..Okay if I call you that, right?"

"Of course! My old...Owner, he didn't really want a family bond, I was kept in a...uhm.." He looked a little sad now.

Shit, what do I do?

"Don't worry, sweety, I see you as a kid I never had." You walk over to him and scoop him up, hugging him.

He giggles and hugs you back as you carry him down to the kitchen. You place him down on the soft cream carpet.

"So, what're you craving?"

"I.. Uh.. I'm not sure, Oka-san."

He knows Japanese? Impressive, kid. I know like.. One, two, three in Spanish?

You chuckle at his use of the word, smiling at him. He looked as though he was thinking. "I could make something like...Pancakes?"

"Pancakes sound nice, Mommy, but do you want them?" He glanced away, he looked...fearful?

You tilted your head in confusion. "Glen, I don't really mind what I eat. But I just want you to be happy."

"I'm sorry mom..." He looked down at his small feet, holding his hands together.

"No, no. Don't be sorry bug." You kneel down to him and tilt his chin up. "You didn't do anything wrong." You smile.

"O-okay Oka-san." He smiled too, but there was still a little bit of confusion.

Why was he sad? You pondered this while you fixed him up breakfast. Maybe I should ask him about it? But would that be rude? Aaaaa! You honestly have no idea how to take care of Glen.


As you two are finishing up eating your pancakes, you're chatting, getting to know eachother.

"So, Glen, how old are you?"

"I... I don't know. I was kept in" He stops eating and looks up at you. "In uhm.." He started to cry. Hot tears welled at his eyes and down his freckled cheeks.

"Glen? Are you okay?" You walked over to him and brushed away his tears. "Where did he keep you?"

"Momma...Please don't send me back, please please.."

"Baby I would never do that.."

"Mom...He kept me in..
A cage. I was used for a show, a freakshow. People made fun of me. They called me ugly, I'm ugly. I'm a freak.." He started to sob, sniffling and holding himself.

"What?!" In a cage? What the hell! "You held him tightly, letting him cry into you. "It's okay, it's okay. I'll never let you go back there. Ever."

You rub his back, trying to comfort him as he cuddles himself into you, still hiccupping his tears.

He eventually calms down, and you sit with him on the couch as you guys binge watch on Netflix.


It's late. Real late. Glen's sleeping in his own bed right now, and he's probably not awake. Considering its 12 a.m. You rub your forehead, realizing how much of a handful you took in.

Sure, it was a big responsibility, but he was also one of the best things to happen to you. After all, you guys kind of just...clicked.

The relationship seemed to be set in stone, he was a small bean that needed to be protected and you were the one who had to do it. You wouldn't let anything hurt him, he was too precious.

It was weird, how he already put so much trust to you, and how you already were fine with him calling you "Mom" and "Mommy". It felt...good to be called that.

Hopefully he loves the praise you give him just as much, because you sure have a lot more from where that came from.

Author's Note:
Hi! I don't know if I want this relationship to develop into more of a romantic one, or stay a platonic mother/son one. I don't have a set age for Glen, but if I do decide for the relationship to be romantic I'll make him above 18. He'll just have a more childish side due to his caged childhood. I feel like that sounds good

However! I want my reader's opinion. I would like to know if this should stay platonic or move to a more romantic side. I get that some people are grossed out by that, but; tmi, I'm a kinky motherfucker. I'm gonna be continuing this story regardless of readers/views, however, so..yeah. Stay tuned!

Your Cute Adopt (Chucky Fanfic::GLEN) Glen Ray & ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora