Chapter I : Wake

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I knew I was dead.

I knew I wasn't breathing and that I wasn't moving. Only darkness surrounded me. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. No one to hear your screams, no one to hear your cries. Nothing. Just...darkness. What was going on? I had no idea where I was. I knew I wasn't dreaming either. If I was, I would of waken up by now. But I couldn't wake up. So what the hell is going on?

Soon, I slowly came to my senses. I could feel warmth, and...blankets? Why the hell do I feel...blankets on me? Then, my hearing came. I could hear AK snoring in the corner, birds chirping outside, and muffled voices from downstairs. But...there was something else. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Like a heart beat. Make that more than one. 

My eyes shot open, my eyes adjusting to the light. I started to sit up fast, but my head and neck ached in the process. So, I slowly rised up. I looked around my surroundings. 

I was in a bed. And I spotted AK in the corner of the room, looking up at me. I noticed a desk with three computer monitors that were turned off and the huge mess on the desk. I recognized the room.

It was MY bedroom.

Why the hell was I in my bedroom? I DIED. So, how did end up here? But maybe I just passed out from blood loss or when I closed my eyes, they put me in bed? I had no fucking idea.

The muffled voices became more clear and louder that I could know who was who.

"Couldn't you just take him to the hospital AT LEAST?!" a female voice yelled. Red.

"Why? They'd be too late anyways!" an male voice replied. Scott.

There was silence when I got up from my bed and walked over to the door. Then, a deep, male voice threw me off a bit.

"But what if he's not dead?" the voice said. Snake? The hell is he doing here? I was so confused.

"Are you fucking serious, Snake?!" Scott questioned angrily, "I mean, who can survive a wound like that?!"

"THERE is still hope for him, Scott," Snake snapped back. 

"Snake, it's impossible. He could never survive with that wound. Plus he lost a lot of blood so-" Red replied calmly before Snake interrupted.

"LOOK! I know him as much as you do but apparently you don't know this! He is a fighter! He can live through this shit! We just got to have faith in him!" 

I could hear chairs being pulled back as Scott screamed, "WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND SNAKE?! CAN'T YOU JUST LET IT G-"

The last protest hit me right in the chest, as if my heart exploded. And I regonized his voice anywhere. "GUYS?! CAN'T WE JUST ACCEPT THE FACT THAT CRY IS DEAD?!" ...Russ.

...Dead? I knew I died...or did I? B-But, I'm here! Dead or not, I'm here! And the crew thinks I'm...dead?

Silence hung in the air. The only thing I could hear was five heartbeats; Thump, thump, thump, thump. Where the hell are they coming from?

I take a few steps back, still in shocked as things slowly processed. I kept backing away from the door when I didn't notice that AK was standing right behind me. When I realized he was there, I've already tripping over him. 

"WHOA!" I screamed.

I then fell and hit my back against the desk. I then fell on my butt on the floor as papers from the desk landed on top of me. I took some papers out of my vision and gave AK a glare. He just sat down in front of me and purred.

Angry grew inside of me. "GOD DAMN IT AK! YOU DO EVERYTHING WRONG!"

AK just swished his tail back and forth against the wooden floor and meowed.

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