[1.] my new cell mate

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"Michael?" I whispered. He stayed silent for a while.

"Yes?" He whispered back.

"Was it hard.... your first day here?" I asked him kind of afraid what his answer would be. He didn't speak again.

"No," he lied.

"So it was terrible?" I asked.

"Not terrible but it was pretty bad. I'm sorry you're hear it must be really hard on you," he whispered.

"I-it's not bad yet but I know tomorrow at tier time or yard time I'm in trouble," I reply.

"If you want you can stay by me, if you don't feel comfortable maybe tell an officer you feel sick and you can spend time in the infirmary," he suggested.

"Thanks Michael," I smile as my eyelids begin to droop


I woke up to an officer hitting the cell bars. My eyes opened immediately but I didn't move, I pretended I wasn't even there. I closed my eyes hoping to wake up in my bed at my mom's house. I opened my eyes again to see Michael staring at me. I quickly sprung up in fright.

"Jesus Christ Michael!" I panted. I looked down at him to see a smile on his face. I quietly climbed down from the top bunk tying the sheet back up as Michael took his place by the door.

I quickly got changed into my clothes and used the toilet before allowing Michael to drop the sheet. As soon as Michael dropped the sheet the door slid open for breakfast.

I grabbed my jumper and put it on over my tank top and crossed my arms over my chest. As I walked out the door Michael walked by me, probably to make sure no one touched me. I looked up to catch his eyes, I smiled at him before turning my head forward.

As I walked into the cafeteria the whole place fell silent. Immediately I felt a chill go down my spine giving me a bad vibe. As I took my tray I heard a whistle behind me. I slowly half turned my head looking at the ground before moving on and grabbing a bowl of cereal.

I began to walk and find a seat when out of nowhere someone grabbed my shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my skins before I realized it was Michael. He smiled before an eruption of laughter filled the place. Everyone must have been watching me by the looks of it.

"Come with me," Michael coughed before walking to a table. We sat at the table just as a man with light brown skin came and sat down beside Michael.

"Sucre, this is Vanessa,
Vanessa this is Fernando Sucre," Michael introduced. I looked at the man.

"Hello," he nodded. His voice had an accent I could kind of recognize.

"hablas español? Do you speak Spanish?" I asked him. Immediately a smile grew on his face.

"Lo sabes chica! You know it girl!" He laughed. I chuckled at him and Michael looked confused.

"I can speak a couple of languages, Spanish being one of them," I laughed. Michael looked at me with an amused smile. I turned my head and looked at my food not really wanting to eat it.

"So, what languages do you speak?" Michael asked. I smiled.

"Em.... Spanish,
and Czech." I laugh only realizing I sound like I'm gloating.

"That's really cool," Sucre laughed. I didn't know what to do or say, so I kept it simple.

"Em... Thanks," I said.

"I never caught your last name," Michael frowned. My smile fell and I pushed my food away from me.

"Em..... I don't really know if it's a good idea to say it here," I whisper to him. Just then a man came and sat next to me.

I looked at the man. He was pale and was practically skin and bone. He licked his lips before he began talking to me.

"The name's Theodore Bagwell, also known as T-bag," the man smiled. He raised his hand and moved a piece of hair out of my face."I know life must be tuff for you, after all you are staying in an all males prison, how about I make life easier for you, you can just take this piece of fabric and if your holding this everyone will know your with me," he said while turning his pocket inside out.

"Get lost T-bag," Michael sighed.

"Now I believe I asked this girly here, Scofield," T-bag chuckled while putting his hand on my knee.

I looked down at my knee and back at his eyes." I think I'll pass," I smile grabbed his hand and shoving it off me.

He stood up and glared at me."You better wish you never said that. Your life may have already been bad, but now its going to be even worse," he hissed.

I shrugged, knowing if I opened my mouth again I would be in for it.

In the cell

I sat on the top bunk looking at a polaroid picture while Michael stood at the bottom watching all my actions.

"So you never did tell me your surname," he whispered. I paused.....I took a deep breath before I got off the bed, I pulled my box from under the bed, putting the picture away.

"Vanessa-," he began.

"-Tancredi." I stared at him, he paused as if I just slapped him.

my new cell mate - prison break fanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum