You Belong With Me

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure anyone would like you if they gave you a chance,"

Harry shrugs, done speaking of this, "So, are you going to split off with Penny anytime soon? She sounds like she's just dragging you down,"

"Well," Louis sighs, "She's not all bad. I mean, she's pretty.."

Harry stifles a laugh, because that's the only good thing Louis can come up with about his girlfriend. "Alright, Lou. Taking her to the prom?"

"Suppose I have to, don't I?"

"Yeah, I suppose. Maybe I'll try to invite someone," Harry chuckles at his own morbid joke.

"No," Louis snaps immediately, in an odd tone.

Harry flicks his eyes back to Louis, "What?"

"What? Nothing, I was just saying no, you should come in a group with me,"

"Lou, your friends would rip me apart,"

"They aren't really my friends. They're the rest of the lads on my football team. I'd much rather go with you and the other boys,"

"Then why don't you?" Harry presses.

Louis murmurs, "Penny doesn't want me to."

Harry exhales because that girl has Louis on a leash and it isn't fair. Harry wishes he could be the one to have Louis' heart; he knows how to make Louis happy, and he knows everything about Louis. He's always been here for him and it's hardly fair that some preppy knob gets to be with Louis over someone who truly loves him.

"Well.. I'll be with Zayn, Liam, and Nialler.."

"Haz, please come with me," Louis pleaded.

"Lou, you're asking me to go with the people that torment me every day about being small and smart and weird."

Louis sighs, "I just want to be with you,"

Harry wishes Louis meant something more when he says this. Louis does.

"I want to be with you, too.. Why don't you just kind of sneak away and hang out with us?" Harry suggests with a cheeky grin.

Louis smiles, happy to see Harry's cute little smirk, "I just might. You're prettier than Penny anyways,"

Harry laughs at this, "Yeah, right, "

Louis chuckles along, "I mean it, though. Yeah, Penny's pretty but honestly you're like.. you're hot, Harry,"

Harry's cheeks grow rosy at this, and he shakes his head, "No.. Not really,"

"Harry, you're actually the most attractive human being I have ever seen."

"Then I guess you've never looked in the mirror,"

The two boys are giddy and smiley, flattered by one another's comments. This is so much easier than with Penny, Louis thinks.


"My goodness, I cannot stand her," Zayn grumbles as they walk down the pavement, inconspicuously watching Louis and Penny snog.

Harry just sighs, dropping his head. Liam sees this, wrapping an arm round his shoulders. "Hey, you alright, man?"

He nods, "Just.. y'know,"

And he did know. "Lou's just being ignorant. He'll see that you're so much better than Penny soon, I promise you,"

"Honestly, though, look at her. She's beautiful and she has such nice legs and straight blonde hair and blue eyes and she's a cheerleader and I'm the complete opposite, even the opposite gender. Why would he want me if he can have her?"

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