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  My eyes kept to the floor, following the light blue line on the ground, similar to the colour on my map. There were multiple others roaming the halls around me, whether other students, new comers like me, or staff and trainers. Boots clacking against the cold tile floors echoed throughout the corridors.

I glanced up to see where I was. I stood in the middle of the hall, people bustling past without taking a second glance my way. The walls were lined with portraits of people; I would assume former headmasters of the academy or scientists, famous in the studies of the elements. Either way, they looked important, I supposed. The walls were divided with doors every few paintings.

  Not after long, the light blue line at my feet turned down a hall, with a yellow and a white line beside it. This is where there was a fork in the road, I guess, as some people walked down this hall and others down another that was to my right. My lungs expanded as I inhaled a huge breath, puffing it out in a heavy sigh. I switched my carryall to my other hand and kept going. Eventually, the white line branched out, and then the yellow, and I was left with few others in front and behind me following the light blue.

I looked around me. Mostly guys and a few women were around, everyone carrying their luggage, all going to the same place. The Lightning sector. The brick walls and cold tiles sent an eerie chill down my spine, but I figured from the start that this was the right thing. In a few years I wouldn't have this opportunity in my hands, so it would be best to take advantage while I still could.

  Buzzing filled the air, and the P.A. rattled to life.

"Attention all students and staff, reminder to drop off all luggage and carry-ons at your appropriate sleeping chambers before heading to the assembly in the grand hall. Thank you."

  I hummed in curiosity. Must just be a welcome assembly for the new students, something like that. At the end of the hall was a set of double doors, with two people in uniforms held them open. "Welcome to the Lightning sector!" they cheered in synchronization, smiling.

We, maybe about ten or eleven including me, stepped through the doors, into an open room. A symbol was bolted onto the wall across from us; a massive circle with lines through it, resembling a lightning bolt. The walls were painted a light blue, just like the floor's line and the map. Below the symbol was a marble fireplace similar to the one in the main foyer, but to a larger scale with small statues on the mantle. In front of the fireplace were multiple couches and chairs, an obvious lounging area.

It branched off to other rooms, one to the left and one to the right.

"To your right, males, are your sleeping chambers. To your left, ladies, are yours. Claim a free bed and introduce yourselves," one of the greeters explained. "Drop your stuff off and meet us back out here in five minutes. We'll be heading down to the assembly."

  Taking another deep breath, about four other guys walked with me to our room. It was almost like a cabin you'd sleep in during summer camp; an open space with bunk beds lining the walls, dressers and wardrobes beside each one. There were beds without any sheets or blankets on them, so assuming they were free, the other guys spread out to claim a bunk. There was a free bunk near me, so bounding over to it, I heaved my bag onto the top bunk. The top's the best. The bottom was laid out with purple covers and a light blue pillow (the pillow identical to all the others, so I'm going to assume it's a mandatory thing), so whoever owned it, I'd be meeting later.

Before heading back into the main room, I took one last glance at the bottom bunk. A small stuffed cat was beside the pillow, and picking it up, I had a closer look at. Blonde fur with bright blue eyes, and a purple collar matching the blanket. The collar had a charm on it, engraved with a "B." It probably belonged to some little kid, so I placed it back down. Even if I am 26, it'd suck to lose a stuffed animal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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