Am I that Bad?

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It was a normal day at the base. Everyone was doing their job, Raf and Jack were playing video games, and Miko... well, she was trying her best not to show how hurt she was. You see, she crossed her 'annoying' record ( as Ratchet would call it) a few weeks ago, she pranked everyone in base and... lets just say it didn't end well. After that, she, as the ball of energy she was, kept pranking everyone or asked questions that never seem to have an end. And a few days later, made the ultimate prank to Optimus.
"Miko, I am certain that everyone at base has gotten enough of your pranks and questions. So, Stop." Said Optimus with a very strict, with a bit of annoyance and anger, voice to Miko.
She was quite surprised, for she had never seen Optimus speak like this, but then again, she really didn't took much of importance. A day after that, she had found two tickets for her favorite band and bought them, and made her way to Bulkhead, who was waiting outside for her.
"Hey Bulk, guess what." Asked Miko as she entered the car.
"What is it Miko?"
"I found two tickets for Slash Monkey! I can't wait for us to go see them!"
"Um, sorry Miko, but I can't, I have patrol all the week." He lied.
"Don't worry Bulk, it's till next week!" She said very excited.
"I already told you, I have patrol."
"But you said you had this week, not next we-"
"Oh, did I said this week? Sorry, I meant all month." He said while giving a nervous laugh.
"Primus, I just hope she doesn't ask me again, she became just too annoying to hang around anymore!" He thought out loud by mistake and didn't really realize. As soon as Miko heard this words, her world started to crumble to her feet. She was deeply hurt by that, but didn't really wanted to show it to anyone, for she no longer trusted them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Miko felt tears forming in her eyes as she remembered those words:
"Primus, I just hope she doesn't ask me again, she became just too annoying to hang around anymore!"
'Why? I never intended to cause that much trouble' she thought 'But the Bots already know how I am, but why? Why did Bulkhead had to betray me like that? Perhaps Ratchet was right, perhaps it's the fact that my very own existence is causing so much tro-' Her thoughts were shattered by the sound of beeping on the monitor.
"It's an energon deposit, Optimus, a quite large one." Ratchet said to Optimus, who was already making his way to the groundbridge.
"Then let us go and retrieve it" Said Optimus, who was already waiting for it to open.
Everyone got to the groundbridge and prepared for departure. Raf and Jack wished their guardians luck, Miko as well, but was having a harder time not to cry.
'Wait, perhaps I can leave the base and I won't be causing any more trouble for the bots' Miko thought.
The groundbridge was already open and the bots went through it, while Miko,having years of practice of sneaking out of places (or perhaps the the fact that the bots no longer really cared much), went through it as well without being detected, thus, begging her new adventure.
A/N: Well, there goes chapter one, hope you enjoy guys. By the way, sorry for any bad grammar and/or spelling, English isn't my first language.

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