Chapter 3 ~ Friends Finally!

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Hannah POV:

On my way to the office I was thinking what I did wrong but then again I'm new to this school so I doubt I did anything wrong. I walked into the office and took a sit next to this beautiful girl . I'm so nervous, should I say hi or just sit here 🤔 . Ugh fuck it . " Hi I'm new here do you have any idea what I'm doing here?" I said with a laugh . "Your new that's why , this is like a thing for the new kids at the school." She said closing her books , " Yessss finally I'm not the only new person here!" I shout in excitement 😅. "Shhhhh" I heard , the lady at the front desk slowly looks over , " I'm sorrryy," I whispered with a laugh after , we both a laugh 😂. "Ugh I'm so rude , I'm Hannah, Hannah Baker." With excitement I said to her putting out my hand to shake hers . " I'm Jessica ." She replied pushing in for a hug . "Oh I see you both met each other," Mr. Porter said from with a small laugh. " I will see you now Hannah,"He continued.
After my little meeting with Mr.Porter I meet Jessica outside we planned to have hot chocolate at her favorite cafe in town . On our way there I saw Justin the cutest boy in school. Ahhhh he's so dreamy 😌. ( Alright Hannah snap out of it now) Jessica wait up! I run to catch up to her . At the cafe we order our hot chocolate and there we sit , drink and chat .

I look down at the time and it was 5:09 pm "Oh shit!" I shout when I realize I was not home. " What is it?" Jessica said looking shock while she put her coffee cup down . "I'm late!" I replied packing up my bag and rushing out , " I will see you tomorrow," I looked back and wave to her.
The cafe wasn't hat far away from my aunt house so that wasn't a problem , I got home at 5:30 pm. As soon as I open the gate my cousin pulls up. " Hey chicken where you coming from this late? " He said opening his car door, " Mhmm  I should ask you the same question." I replied while opening the gate. " I'm older !" He said " I'm stronger " I replied as I rush into the house cause I know he's gonna want to challenge me.

I'm trying guys lol next chapter coming soon. What do you think about this???

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