Chapter 2 ~ The New Kid

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Hannah POV:

Well I guess today is the day . *Sighs* 😔 I really hope I fit in are just have some friends that actually not fake .

Good morning I greet everyone while grabbing a bottle of water. " Here is your lunch, Jason will drive you to school , have a great day!" My aunt said while rushing out the house . Hmmm she's probably late , that's what I think . "You're ready chicken?" I heard Jason said , lol chicken was my nickname when I was younger because I was scared of chicken. Don't ask why cause I don't know . I nod my head to signal that I was ready .

It didn't take a long time for me to get to school, the school isn't far tbh , about 15 minutes walk away from the house. I walk into the hallway and everyone eyes was on me, I'm guessing this is the first time they're seeing a pretty girl . Haha I'm just kidding. This school is so amazing you even have your name on you locker how cool is that 😍😱. Too bad I didn't have a locker as yet 😢 but I'll get one soon . I hurry to first period and it was maths to be honest I like math a lot , I'm good at it too. I walked into the class and it seems like I am a little bit too early. The only person who was in the class was the teacher. " Good morning, you must be our new student," said the teacher placing her markers on the table. " Indeed I am , how do you know ?" I said surprising. " Your early for class, kids at this school don't be on time for maths," she replied giving me a smile . " Wow kids at this school sounds unruly lol," I said in my head giving of a little smile at the end. I took a seat up front waiting for the rest of the class to come in.
In a few more minutes the class being to get pack and I was feeling even comfortable at this school. "Snap out of it Hannah!" I said to myself. I don't wanna get too comfortable, I'm just scared I don't know why.
"Class! Class, settle down. We have a new student." I heard the teacher said . Omg I can't I'm too shy , how am I going to introduce myself. "Hannah, Hannah! " The teacher shouted, I was gone in my own world lol . " Yes?" I said shyly , "Stand and introduce yourself to the class please , " she said politely. Mhmm not like that's gonna make it better, I got up out of my seat and walk to the front of the class " Hi my name is Hannah , Hannah Baker" I said shyly.

It was almost time for lunch when I heard my name announced "Hannah Baker please come to the head office." I got out of my seat grab my bag and walk out the class. "Oops I'm sorry" I said to the person I bumped into as I helped him pick his books up . " That's okay I gotta run , I'm late !" He rushed out to his class . Crap I didn't even get his name , oh well 😔.

Guys!!!?? What do you think ?? I need to know can you guys comment and tell me how this is going I wanna know. One more thing this book is not like the movie, can a girl be creative for once? Okay love yah xoxo 😘

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