2/ High School problems

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I was walking down the school's hallways, going to see my best friend and also.. sister.. well it's complicated. When the biggest school brat came to me with her minions next to her. "How does it feels like to be adopted ?" She said kinda loudly, I look at her with wide eyes. "What do you want Missy?" I said annoyed, she thinks people care about my adoption, when just a few nice people came up to me to ask if it was okay with me and everything.. anyways, she was being that annoying bitch she really is. I start to walk away normally when I see the one who ditched me yesterday night.. but I'm also glad because I met a really kind guy.
"Hey babe !" He said kissing my cheek. "What happened yesterday ?!" I ask madly, he looked at me with puppy eyes. "I'm sorry I love you Maya, I tried to call you but you didn't answer.. I hope you were safe though" he said all cutely, reaching my hand. "And how about when I tried to call you Farkle ?" I asked dead in the eyes. "I couldn't anyways I was busy, if you read my texts you would've known" he said smiling, I hugged him and walked with him towards my best friend. Long short story I got adopted by the Matthews's about 8 years ago, so Riley and I became half-sisters.
"Riley honey !!" I said running to her, she ran to me and we hugged.
"Girl what happened yesterday that was unexpected ?! Mom told me!" Riley said all happy, I look over at Farkle in confusion and he was already staring at me, in confusion as well. "What happened yesterday night ?" He asked, I stepped aside and looked at the two, I can't tell about the college boy.. "I went to.. Starbucks and I saw.. Evan from the sun ski lodge ! Yeah that's right I saw him and so we caught up and then he went away and I went back home!" I said all awkwardly, they looked at me in disbelief and then Riley rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand, today was going to be a long day..
at lunch time I sit with my friends and my boyfriend, I love him even though I met this.. incredible guy yesterday. "So I talked to dad and.." Riley begun to talk, I awkwardly look at my feet, whenever Riley is talking to Cory it's always something I will regret doing. "And I told him about you meeting up with Evan yesterday and he found cool if we can go there again with the class!" Riley said smiling, I dropped my fork and look at her dead in the eyes before faking a smile. "Great honey ! Remember Farkle, where we became boyfriend and girlfriend after.." "you don't need to talk about it Maya, you really really don't" Riley said concerned, yup, amount of drama happened there and I'm certainly not ready to let it go right now. "So what ? You're bringing me back there and you don't want me to remind you what happened last time ? What did you clearly expect girl ? To forget about that ?!" There it is, I'm mad. I walk away, not making eye contact with her or anyone else and go to Matthews's room who was eating spaghetti. "You did this !" I said walking up to him, he looked scared. I love when he's scared. "I didn't do anything ! Now go away I have someone coming and I don't want you to ruin this up, remember last time ?" He said warningly. "Ah best moment ever !" I laughed pointing to him. "No but seriously you won't like this person I..." he lost his words, I look behind me to see the one and only, Joshua Matthews. "I'm sorry Maya..." Mr Matthews quickly said before scratching the back of his neck. "It's okay umm... I better leave.. bye" I quickly said walking away. Not lifting my head. I don't want to see him, not right now.

"Hey Maya! Uncle Josh is here, and he wanted to apologize to you!" Riley said all perkily as I walked back to the cafeteria, I don't have the time to answer that she just shakes me like I'm a milkshake. "Riley stop I know I saw him !" I quickly said, she stops and just smiles at me. "So what ? Do you forgive him ?" And as she spoke those words, I see him, standing right behind her with sparkly eyes, I feel overwhelmed, in the worst way. "I need.. air.. Riley.. help.." I say between breathes. It becomes hard to even say a word, pain on my lungs and my head is spinning.. blackout. Nothing else happened for me.
"'Maya??? Maya are you awake now ??" I hear Farkle's voice as I slowly and painfully open my eyes. "What the hell happened ?" I ask, holding my head. "You blacked out and your head hit the floor so hard that a doctor had to come" He said amazed. "How long have I been here Farkle ?" I ask, painfully holding my head. "Umm... about 6 hours" he said smiling, his smile warms me up every time!
Riley comes in the room.
"You scared the crap out of me Maya you know that ?!" Riley said raising her voice. I raised my eyebrows and looked at who was behind her once again. "Oh we get it you guys need to talk" he said all awkwardly. Her and Farkle left the room leaving Josh and I alone. "Can I trust you with being alone with you ?" I said annoyed. He sat on the edge of my bed. "Look Maya you know I never meant to" he said putting a hand on my leg. "Yeah no one meant to but you did it anyways!" I said angrily. "Maya I'm serious, it was Charlie's fault !" "Because it's Charlie who told you to--" I begun when I was cut of by him. "I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED OKAY ?! NO NEED TO REMIND ME !" He yelled. "I was the one who got hurt in the end Josh, not you. I don't need to get reminded either but if you ask to then I will. Just if you ever forget about the consequences of your intentions towards me" "now leave, I don't want to see you at my house right now" I said pointing to the front door. He left the room without saying anything. And Farkle comes in, he embraced me in a hug. "I'm sorry Maya, I truly am" he said rubbing my back. "It's okay, wasn't your fault anyways.." I wipe my tears off as I let go off his hug. "Umm... I'd like to take you out tonight, you have two hours before I'm coming to you" he said smiling. Was he faking his smile ? I hope he's not.
It's 8pm, and I'm ready to go on that date with Farkle, I'm just hoping he won't do the same thing he did yesterday. The doorbell rings, I open the door and Farkle is here, I warmly smile at him as we begin to walk down the stairs, going outside. We walk, a silence is living between the two of us for the whole time we were walking. "So Maya.." he said sitting at a random bench at the park near my home. "I needed to talk to you about.. us" he shyly said, he can't even look at me in the eyes... I feel sad.. I didn't do anything wrong why would he be breaking up with me? "Why ?" My voice is cracking as I try to speak those words. "Because so much things had been going on between you and Josh and... Charlie that I can't even focus on my relationship with you, and you too, I'm pretty sure that you are not focusing on our relationship and you're more thinking about other guys than me.." he quietly say, staring at his feet. "I... wait.. WHAT THE HELL ?! ARE YOU SAYING THAT I AM STILL THINKING ABOUT JOSH AND CHARLIE ?! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE IN MIND ?!" I yell at him, standing up. "Then if it's not them, who is it ?" He calmly say. "Is it just a pretext because you don't like me anymore and that you like someone else ?" I ask looking in his eyes. "Yes... I'm sorry" he said looking back at my eyes, I smile and stand up. "Thanks for telling me the truth... goodnight" were my last words before I walk away, going back to my home. I decided to call Lucas... just in case.
Because eventually, this morning I received a message from him saying that he had a good time with me and that he would love to meet me again.

"Hey Lucas" I try to keep on a smile as much as I can

"Heyyyyy Maya ! How are you ?" He said all happily

"I'm fine" I sternly say "and you ?"

"I'm fine. What's happening ?" He breathed out.

"I just wanted to tell you that I would love to see you again" I say with a warm smile.

"Well that's good to hear !" He chuckled which made me laugh. "I would love to, text me whenever and I'll arrange something in my schedule for you with no problem"

"You are THAT busy ?" I say, amazed.

"No I'm not, I'm free all the time" he laughed,
I laughed as well.

"Won't your boyfriend react a little when you'll tell him ?" He said concerned.

"Umm... we broke up like 5 minutes ago because he likes someone else so.. but if you're talking about Zac Efron then he will sure be very very angry after you and I so you better watch your back" I said laughing. He laughed at my joke.

"I hope you'll be okay Maya.. he didn't worth your love anyways" he said all calm.

"Thanks Date savior... we will keep in touch okay ? My father is coming bye" I quickly say.

"Bye Shortstack" he said before I hung up. Cory opened the door of my bedroom and smiled at me. "Who were you talking to ?" He asked me. "Oh just a friend from school, I needed help for my homework" he nodded. "Dinner's ready" he said as he closed the door.

I sit up at my seat, smiling at my family. "So Maya.. what did you guys talk about with Evan ?" Topanga asked as she takes my plate.
"Oh... well nothing, everything... about how our life is going and about the news.. it was like a few minutes so nothing that interesting" I say as I watch her giving me food. She gives me the plate back and I wait for everyone else.
"Good, we are going next month, I hope Lauren won't be there" Cory said jokingly and Topanga gave him a death glare.
"Come on guys, that's past" Auggie says, he's the young little guy/creature that lives with us, he always saw me as his real sister even if he knows we don't have the same blood.

After dinner I went right in my room and looked at my phone, 3 messages, one from Josh and two from Lucas, I open Josh's first.

From Jerk1:
Hey Maya I'm sorry for what happened again I hope we will become friends like before the incident

I decide not to answer, he doesn't deserve anything from me.

From Lucas:
Hey Maya I hope you're having a good evening, good news I'm free tomorrow and after tomorrow on the afternoons.

From Lucas:
We could go to a park where we will be ordering ice cream, my treat.
Answer me when you see it

To Lucas:
Hey Lucas, that's pretty cool because I'm not free tomorrow but the day after I am, so why not, I'm in for the ice cream in the park. xx

Good, now I'm gonna see Lucas in two days.. what is happening in my life right now ? Seriously Maya, a college boy ?

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