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The next morning Baby climbed on her horse, Precious running off to explore the wild leaving one of the workers in charge. Sherley didn't go, she felt that her mother needed a moment for herself. Sherley brush Polly's hair looking at the driveway of the farm seeing her dad driving in.

"What is he doing here?" She asked and walk to where he was going to stop.

The car stop as Don climb out taking off his sunglasses.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" She asked walking up to him.

"Just wondering if I can drop by to say hi." He replied. She give a big smile noticing Sarah isn't in the car so she gave her dad a big hug.

"Thank goodness you came alone." She sighed letting go of Don.

"Where's your mother?" He asked looking around.

"She took Precious for a walk." Sherley replied wondering why her dad look so worried.

She look at the way he looked seeing her mom coming back riding on the horse's back. It was breath taking and Don might just have forgot how to breath. His heart beatings goes faster as Baby just came closer. She stop coming closer looking at him worried. He walk up to her as Sherley decide to move away to the oposite direction giving her parents some alone time.

"Is everything alright?" Baby asked as Don stood infront of the horse starting to rub it's nose.

"You tell me." He raised an eyebrow looking up at her.

"Everything is okay." She replied and climb off Precious looking straight at him.

"Okay well I was wondering if I could stay here for a while." Don started as Baby start leading the horse to it's stable.

"No problem. Where's Sarah?" Baby asked looking around as Don decide to follow her.

"She's not coming." He replied as they finaly came into the stables. Baby decide to take the horse saddle off putting the heavy thing where the others is as Don let his eyes explore the place.

"If she came you would've left right away." Baby said leading the horse into it's stabble rubbing Precious's hair. "Good girl."

"I know. That's why I came alone." He replied standing next to her. She spin around facing him ready to go off like a bomb.

"Okay so tell me what you're really doing here Don. I haven't heard from you in a long time and the last thing I want now is stupid excuses." Baby said straightforward.

"That's why I'm here." Don responded as Baby drop her attitude that instant.

"Okay well just in case you have to know I only have six months left..." she started being cut off by Don.

"To get a great amount of money which is why you went to the bank yesterday to see if they can help you sell a few of your animals but unfortunately they couldn't help you." He interrupted finishing her sentences for her.

"How do you know? Did Sherley tell you?" Baby asked with tears in her eyes and a confusion playing on her soul.

"No she didn't tell me anything. I just happened to bumb into Marta." Don replied honestly as Baby role her eyes and start walking out with him behind her.

"I didn't tell Marta a thing Don..." Baby said as Don stop her by jumping in infront of her making her stop.

"I know Baby. She told me you were there so I couldn't help asking the receptionist why you were there." Don replied as she fold her arms clearing her throat.

"Did she tell you why?" Baby asked like she had all rights to know but of course she had.

"No. But I really would want to know." He replied raising an eyebrow. Baby role her eyes and walk pass him as he rub his hand over his mouth deciding whether he should follow her or give her a moment.

Later that night Baby was busy preparing dinner while Don and Sherley sat in the kitchen talking about random stuff.

"So, now that you're done with school, do you know what you wanna become?" Don asked Sherley.

"Well I always wanted to become what mom is but since..." Sherley immediately stopped talking as Baby turn around looking at her in horror. "...I'm older now I'm thinking about working at the petshop."

"What's stopping you from doing what your mother does?" Don asked as Sherley try to keep her promise looking back at Don.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Baby asked Sherley like she had no idea, but did she?

"Well, I wanted to tell you this when we talked about, you know who..." narrow to Don and stood up. "But then the heartbreaking conversation came the day after that so I didn't want you to feel bad about not letting me do what you do."

"Oh honey..." Baby walk to Sherley giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek whispering softly in her ear, "I'll make sure you get what you want. Even if it's to rob a bank."

They both giggle breaking free looking at each other then at Don that sat there confused.

"Now if the two of you could excuse me, I would really appreciate it to go use the bathroom." Baby giggled as the two show that they definitely don't mind at all. She walk into the hallway away from them to the bathroom.

Sherley take her seat again as Don folds his arms.

"How much money?" He asked her. She gave him an add look.

"Huhh?" She let out not knowing how he knows.

"How much money does your mother need?" He asked clearly.

"Five grand and how do you know she needs money to pay else this place get taken away?" She wanted to know basically speaking past the whole truth. He sits up straight shocked like he didn't expect this much detail.

"I didn't know that's why she needed that great amount of money. Fifty thousand. That's a lot." Don said giving his daughter a serious look.

"Oh my gosh, you didn't know? Please don't tell her I told you." Sherley begged in seriousness.

"I promise." He promised.

"Don't promise. I just broke my promise." Sherley said about to freak out.

"Calm down. No one will know." Don laughed as she slowly calmed down. "I want to help you guys with my whole heart."

"How?" Sherley asked raising an eyebrow. Don raise his breath to speak but let it go again.

"I'm still working on that." He replied as Sherley gave a giggle. Don has a green bank account but he wants to do things without his wife knowing it. Else it's the beginning of another world war.

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