Chapter 23: Don't Wanna (Picture of Aunt Elisha)

Start from the beginning

I looked over my shoulder at him with narrowed eyes. No need to push! He just grinned at me sexily and winked, mouthing 'I love you'.

Ethan handed over our boarding passes to the girl who was busy ogling both him and Zac. I allowed myself one final look at Zac, blowing him a kiss that he pretended to catch before I turned and got on the plane.

Of course Aunt Elisha being the sweetheart that she is purchased us first class tickets so were fortunate enough to sit comfortably for the entire flight. One seat could fit two people comfortably, so I knew I could curl up and sleep on the way there.

I sat down timidly in my seat, I was tempted to listen to music on my IPhone, but didn't want to be rude to Ethan. He was seated next to me looking at me with a strange expression on his face.

My eyes were looking everywhere, but in his direction as I tried to get comfortable. I could feel his intense gaze on me, however.

"What?" I asked after a few seconds passed and I couldn't take the staring anymore.

He just smiled at me and shook his head. "You really love him, huh?" Ethan asked with a face full of compassion.

"With all my heart." I answered truthfully. Why would he ask me such a strange question?

He nodded his head in understanding and looked away for a moment. I thought I saw a look of hurt pass his eyes, but just that quickly it was gone.

Ethan busied himself reading a magazine while the flight attendant went through the usual safety procedures. I was keeping myself occupied by drawing some dress idea's in my sketch pad.

I wanted to make a few samples when I got to Aunt Elisha's and ask her what she thought of them. The sketches were good, but I could just imagine the real life thing...vibrant colors and soft materials! Eeek...I love fashion!

We were about an hour into the flight when I felt Ethan's gaze land back on me, "So do you think you could spare a day to have lunch with me when we get there?" Ethan asked with a small hopeful smile.

"I'm sure I can pencil you into my busy schedule." I joked with a wink. Even after all I've been through with Ethan, I'd always still have a soft spot for him.

Yes I was mad at him for a while and harbored some sour feelings towards him, but I've gotten over all that. It's ok to forgive, but not forget...and if you really look at it he didn't intentionally do things to hurt me.

He held a special place in my heart, he held the spot for alot of my firsts. He was after all my first kiss...first boyfriend...the one I lost my virginity to.

The guy who helped me believe I was beautiful inside and out. The one who gave me some of the confidence that I walk around with.

So I was forever grateful to him for those things, because without them I wouldn't be the person I am today.

Trying my hardest to stifle a yawn threatening to escape my lips, I covered my mouth with my hand. I was tired, having worked last night.

We got in around two-thirty, I didn't fall asleep until close to four only to wake up at seven to make it to the airport.

"You should try and get some sleep love, you look exhausted." Ethan hinted laying his head back on the seat.

Deciding that Ethan's idea didn't sound too bad, I shut my sketch pad and placed it into my bag. I curled my legs up onto the seat and tilted my body sideways resting my head on the head rest.

Out the corner of my eye, I could see Ethan get up from his seat and reach into the overhead cabinet. Suddenly a soft fleece blankie covered me, I looked up at Ethan with an appreciative grin. "Thanks."

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