"Go home. I have to go to work tomorrow."

"Can we go out to dinner?"

"I dont know Tone."

"Our sisters can come to. We need to do this in order to move forward."

"I guess so."

"Yayy!" she said. We hugged and I drove off and went home. When we got there it was someone walking up to my door.

"Um who are you?" I asked.

"Im Vincent. I was told to come here by a Professor Jones."

I was still lost. I opened the door and took Hailey to my room and closed the door. I went back to the living room and read my email from my teacher.

Professor Jones: Your assignment is to help out a student from the therapy office recommended by the doctor. You will make a report about how you helpes the person and you will present this to me in one month.

I closed my email and 0pened the door. He was still there patiently waiting.

"You can come in." i said.

He walked in and sat down on the couch. I needed the house to be quiet in order for me to work. I dont know who can watch Hailey for me for a few hours.

"Mommy!" Hailey yelled. She walked in the living room and stopped when she seen Vincent.

"Hi." she said.

"Hello." he said.

"Hailey do you wanna go stay with Toni for a few hours?"

"Yes!" she said.

"Ok go change clothes and I'll call her."

She ran off and went to her room.

"Excuse me for a second."

I walked in the kitchen and called Toni.

"Tone I need you to do me a huge favor."

"Sure whats up?"

"Can you watch Hailey for me please. I wont be long. I have to start my project for my class. It has to be quiet and so far it isnt."

"Yeah I'll watch her for you. Send me your adress and I'll be on my way."

"Thanks Tone you're a life saver."

" Any time.Where can I take her?"

"Anywhere but she cant go around Evelyn."

"I wasnt planning on taking her to the house. I have to talk to you about something important about her anyways."

"Ok. I have to go but she is ready."


I hung up and walked back in the livung room.

"Sorry about that. I needed my sister to come and pick up my daughter so we can start."

"It fine. Your daughter is adorable. She looks just like her beautiful mother."

"Thanks." I started to blush a little.

"No problem."

"So why do you need music therapy?"

"It will help me heal with some things that I went through as a child."

"What happened?"

"My parents died when I was 13 years old in a house fire. Since then music always helped me but I'm ready to heal and move forward."

"Ok. I can help you with that. What type of music do you like to listen to?"

"I dont have a favorite type I just mainly like to listen to pianos."


Then I  heard a knock at my door. I went to open it and it was Toni.

"Come on in." I said.

She walked in a her jaw dropped a little.

"Wow you are living a dream sis. How can you afford all of this and be in school?"

"I work for a law firm."

"You should be working at a music label with me."

"Thats not my dream anymore. I had to put that it hold for a while. But I am studying to be a music therapist."

"Im so proud of you. Being on your own did help you."

"Yeah. You can help yourself to anything in the kitchen and she should be out in a minute. She likes to take a long time to hey ready."

"Just like someone else I know." she said.

We walked in the living room and Vince had to do a double take.

"Hi." he said.

"Hello." Toni said.

"Toni this is Vincent. Vincent this is my sister Toni."

After the introduction Hailey came out of her room and they left.

"Your sister is Toni Braxton?" he asked.


"I thought she only had three sister and a brother?"

"No she has four sister and a brother. I just like to stay out of the light."


We talked and talked and got to know each other better. He is really cool and he wants to be a music executive one day. We sat at the piano and played for a while then he started singing and so did I.

"Your voice is amazing." he said

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself." I said.

"Toni was right you should get working with her instaed of a law firm." he said.

"Nah I cant do that. Not with a six year old daughter."

"When I make my way to the top I will definitely be signing you."

"It was a dream of mine but not anymore. I just sing because its apart of my job or I sing to my baby."

"You should sing because it your passion not because its your job. Sing something to me from your heart." he said. I looked at the clock to see how much time we had left.

"As much as I love to sing for you, your session is over."

"Well maybe next time." he said.

I walked him out and locked my door. I had to meet up with my sisters for dinner and I missed my baby.

I got in my car and drove to Toni's house. She was making dinner and she sent me some picture's of her and Hailey making cookies. I'm glad that I'm talking to Toni. I never realized how much I missed her until I started talking to her again.

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