Scroll 19: Captive

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"Good day, King Leonhart and Lady Thais. I am Hakuyuu and this is my brother Hakuren. We welcome you to Kou." He politely introduced. He was a handsome man especially with their traditional clothes and tied hair into a bun. He must have noticed my gaze because he flashed me a dazzling smile. I would have blushed, like any other girls, but only one man can make my face red. I returned it with my own. We decided to talk to them during the ride and truth to be told, they were actually fun to be around once they felt comfortable.

"Kou really is huge. Leon, you want to talk to the emperor regarding to them opening a trade right?" I asked. The brothers waited for his answer. He sighed before confirming it.

"I don't know yet if it will be easy but we'll give it a try." He answered. Hakuyuu chimed in and told us that it will be a little difficult to do that since their country had been conquering a lot of territories. He warned us to be very careful and that made me grin at his concern.

"Well, we will not back out easily plus, we weren't rulers of our kingdom for nothing." I smirked. He was taken aback by my sly gaze. We reached the palace and we were directed to the throne room where we were to meet the emperor and empress.

"King Leonhart and Lady Thais Demeus." Our names were announced. They really had weird custom but we respected it nonetheless. The emperor had blue hair and gray eyes. He was wearing long robes with a crown covered with beads and gold. Beside him was a woman whom I felt a strange power. She had black hair and blue eyes but what made me wary was the black rukh that seeped out lightly.

'What the—'

'Thais. Pay attention.' Ose ordered. I did and we addressed them respectively. Emperor Hakutoku was straight to the point and asked us what we wanted. Leonhart stepped forward and declared his wish. The emperor was shocked with his request since it was out-of-blue but they were hoping for affirmation. Emperor Hakutoku leered at us but we did not back down and held our heads up. Lady Gyokuen was looking at us amused as well. The king laughed before asking us for the terms.

"Well then, what we want is for you to let us open business in your country until the end of your reign. We will not monopolize the economic balance and trade with everybody justly. Here is a contract we created." Leonhart said. He read it carefully before telling us that he will hear the decision in two days. We thanked him and he ordered some servants to take us to our room. The room was spacious and we decided to sleep early.

It was around midnight when I woke up from a sound. Leonhart was still asleep. I turned to the source of sound only to see the same cloaked man in the corner. He grinned and rendered my body useless. I felt my body being pulled somewhere and when I opened my eyes, we were on top of a cliff.

"S-Stop! Where are we!? Are you from Al Thamen?" I asked furiously. My body was still bounded. His eyes widened at that before laughing.

"So that stupid guardian has finally told you huh? Then I guess I have to take you away before him."

"What!?" Shadows reached towards me and I forced my body to move. I felt my hands but I needed more strength so I quickly called out for my djinn.

"Embody me, Ronove!" The spell binding me was released and I dodged it in time. Huffing, I clenched my weapon tightly and released huge fire wall. He held his staff and fired a lightning magic. I dodged it before lounging at him.

"Why do you fight me? You can never win." He muttered.

"I-I will not lose that easily but I have to ask, why me?" He blinked his eyes rapidly before laughing darkly.

"How cute. You know your rukh is special yet you haven't realized where it could be used for!? Ha! More reason for us to use you." He slashed me and it hit my left arm when I tried to cover my face. I bled heavily and it hurt like hell. I sped up and kicked his back before slashing him. He disappeared from behind me until I felt a sharp pain attack my back.

Magi: Lost in TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon