Chapter 9

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May 10, 1982

Its been 2 crazy almost 3 crazy years! Im almost done with school and im very excited. Michael and i are more and more in love with each other and i couldnt have asked for a better boyfriend. He is currently working on a new album which will be titled "thriller." We kind of live together. I got a small apartment by his parents house since my parents dont really agree with our relationship. They said that they didnt like how we arent even married but we have already had sex. I dont really care what they say because i love him and he loves me. Being with him is so adventurous and fun but its crazy! His fans are crazy about him and the media is too. You can never get used to it but as long as i am with him i dont really care. Right now im just taking care of some errands i had to run. Michael i think is in the studio working so im all alone.

I was looking through the cosmetic isle at the grocery store when i felt someone tap me from behind. I turned around and saw..
"Marcell?" My heart sank and i couldnt believe me eyes. He slightly smiled and nodded.
"Wow its been a long time since we have seen each other." He said.
"Yeah it has but im ok with that," i said and i started walking past him.
"What? Now you cant even talk to me cuz youre boyfriend is michael jackson? Im no different than him." He said catchinv up to me.
"No its not that, the reason is that i dont have anything to say to you. I have nothing to talk to you about." I said. "Now if youll excuse me i really need to get going."
"Listen isabella, i want us to forget whatever happened between us and move on. I know i screwed up but at least im man enough to admit it and apologize for it."
"Ok i agree with you, lets leave it in the past and move on." I said. "And im serious i have to get going."
He smiled and he let me pass to go pay for the stuff.
I payed for my items and i headed out. The media is another problem for the both of us and it has created some tention between us but we manage to get through it. Outside were a couple of paparazzi and they asked some annoying questions but i didnt pay attention. I got in my car and my phone started ringing.
"Hello" i said.
"Hey bella can you bring me some lyric sheets i left at the house?" Michael asked.
"Im not home right now," i said.
"Well can you go home and get them for me?"
"Well can you be more responsible? I have to be at school in an hour."
"Do it fast! Get ready, grab my sheets, come here and the leave." He said getting irritated. I sighed.
"Fine michael! Since you cant seem to be responsible enough ill do it." I said.
"Stop with that already and hurry up and bring me the sheets." He said and i hung up. I started driving home.

I got home put everything away, took a shower and put on my clothes then i grabbed michaels stuff and the car keys and headed out.
Michael was outside waiting for me, i stopped infront of him.
"Can i ask you why you were talking to marcell earlier today?" He asked annoyed.
"I ran into him at the grocery store and we talked before i left. Is that why it took you so damn long to get here?"
"Ummm no, and why does it matter? Matter-of-fact youre making me waste time. I have to go so here is your stuff and have a fun time working." I said irritated. Michael and i have not being see eye-to-eye lately. He seems to want me with him everyday and everynight and never leave his side but im not that kind of person i like to be free and independent.
"Im probably gonna get a ride home so dont worry about picking me up." He said.
"Ok then, i wont." I said.
"Give me a kiss."
"Dont say it like that."
"I want you to give me a kiss."
I gave him a small peck.
"Thats not a kiss. Give me a proper kiss."
I gave him a quick kiss.
"Its not that hard to give someone a kiss." He said and he went inside. I started driving away.

* 2 am*

I was sleeping very peacefully when my phone started ringing.
"Fuck! Who calls at this hour?!" I looked at the phone and it was michaels number. "Are you ok?"
"What?" He asked.
"Are you ok? Why would you call me at this hour when you know i have to wake up early?"
"Im sorry, i need you to come pick me up my ride left early."
"Are you kidding?! If you cant get a ride then dont work so late!"
"Are you gonna pick me up or not?"
"Ill be right there." I said and i hung up. I got out of bed and made my way to the car. Then i started driving away.

I got to the studio and i called michael to tell him i was downstairs. Couple of minutes passed by and michael was still not in the car. After 20 minutes passed i decided to go look for him.
I got out and i went to go look for him. Michael can be selfish sometimes. I got to where he usually works at and found him hugging a girl.
"Am i interrupting?" I said. They turned to face me and they wre a but shocked.
"Um no i was just saying bye" michael said.
"Ok well let me refresh your mind, i got interrupted from my sleep to come and pick you up, OR, did i come here to find you hugging a girl? If you didnt want to leave her why didnt you ask her to drive you home? Why didnt you stay here for the night that way you wouldnt have to say bye."
He eyed me with a very malicious face so i turned around and left the building.
I got in the car and waited, after a couple of minutes he got in the car and i started driving away.
"I dont ever want you to throw a fit like you did just a few minutes ago. That was so embarassing for her, we werent doing anything bad." He said sounding mad.
"I dont give a fuck if you were hugging her, kissing her, fucking her, i dont give a shit. What i dont like is your selfishness and calling me at 2 oclock in the morning to come and pick you up, when you know i get home late and i have to get up early, just tp find you hugging another girl." I said.
"You wouldnt be so tired if you just let me worry about the money and keeping food on our table, but no you want to go to college and work."
"Michael i think you know the type of person i am, im not dependent on anyone i dont like that. If youre not willing to understand that than what are we doing together?"
He looked at me shocked and then looked down. The rest of the car ride was silent.

We got home and i hopped out of the car immediatley. Once we got inside i made my way to the bedroom. Michael grabbed my arm and spun me to face him gave me a small peck on the lips and hugged me.
"Babygirl, i hate fighting with you about anything and everything. We constantly fight and argue over things and it kills me because later on we have tension." He said still hugging.
"I hate fighting with you too but sometimes couples argue and fight and its ok thats what makes us stronger and im still in love with you and i fall more and more in love with you each day." I said as i broke the hug and looked at him, "i love you."
He smiled and said, "i love you more."
He picked me up and took me to the bedroom.

*10 am*

I woke up to the best aroma.


I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen.
"Ba-" i stopped and gasped at the sight. Michael had set up a table with breakfast and candles and flowers. It was so romantic and nice of him.
"Honey! Whats all this?!" I said walking over to him.
"Well i wanted to do something nice for my girl." He said and he took a chair out for me and i sat down. He sat down after me and we started eating.
"Thank you this is really nice and the food is amazing!" I said.
"Well thank you love" he said. "I wanted to talk to you about something very important...well for me."
"Ok shoot," i said.
"I was thinking we have been together for about 3 almost 4 years and im madly in love with you and as you said earlier this morning i fall more and more in love with you with each passing day." He said and i could tell he was starting to get nervous.
"Michael what is it?"
"Ok im gonna say it! Ever since i was like 17 or 18 i knew i wanted to be a father and i prayed that i would find the right woman to be the mother of my children. I think i know my prayers have been answered because i found you."
I stared at him in shock and confusion.
Was he asking to have his children?!?!?!?!
"What im trying to say is that i would love for us to have a baby together." He said and its really bad to get this kind of request when youre drinking juice.
I started to choke and cough like there was no tomorrow!
"Are you ok?" Michael asked. I nodded.
My coughs started to slowly disappear and i was able to talk.
"Michael," i said and i didnt know what to say. I took a deep breathe and tried again. "Im flattered you think i would be the perfect mother for your kids but are you sure that this is what you want? Youve been busy and im still in school i dont know if this is the right time."
"Im not saying lets have a baby right now, what im saying is that im ready when you are. I want to build a family with you and i cant see the rest of my life without you." He said.
I smiled at the thought of us having kids and i have to admit, i liked the idea and i know michael is the perfect man to be a father and i do want him as the father of my kids.
"Alright then" i said. I got up and walked over to michael, he scooted his chair out and i sat on his lap. "Lets have babies!"
He was sooooooo cute!!!!
"I love you!" I sort of yelled.
"I love you too babygirl!" He said giggling and he kissed my nose. "You are so cute sometimes! I love you so so so so so so so much!!!"
I gave him a big kiss and a big hug!

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