Chapter 6

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May 10, 1978 (cont.)

Michaels POV

"" the guy said trying to breathe while I was choking him.
"No you sick person! Ill teach you a lesson! You never ever touch her like that!" I said with rage going through my body.
"Michael, please let him go its not worth it!" isabella said trying to calm me down.
I kept choking him and then I let him go.
I grabbed isabella and yanked her and we started running.
Then we stopped at my car. I hugged her and she melted into my arms shaking.
"Its ok, everything is fine!" i said until she was finally stable.
I pulled away and stared into her big, brown, beautiful eyes.
"What are you doing out here all alone?!" I asked.
"I came here to clear my mind and try to escape this very harsh world but i guess tonight was the wrong time to come!" She said as she pulled away and sat down on the floor still very shaken up.
"Why are you here at this time?!" I asked her still confused.
"Because!" She yelled. "Ugh! Im about to get married to someone whom i dont love and i cant do anything about it!"
"Well then dont get married! Why did you even say yes in the first place?!" I said.
"Because when he asked me to marry him i still loved him and i hadnt developed feelings for any- wait! What the hell are YOU doing here?!"
"I came to drop someone off and i saw you walking up to the rocks and i was gonna come and talk to you but that other guy beat me to it" i said. "Isabella, i really wish that the person youre marrying would be me!"
When i said that her head shot up to look at me.
"What?" She asked getting up.
"Well i would probably want to date you first and everything else but i really really really really like you! I know you dont love him so just leave him!"
"I cant! I would never do that to anyone! Im getting married in less than a month! Michael its way too late!" She said stepping closer to me. "I need to go its getting late plus dont you already have that girl from the restaurant?"
"Shes just a friend i like you heck i think im in love with you!" I said grabbing her and pulling her so our foreheads would be touching.
"Michael i like you too but please understand me!" She said with her voice shaky. I kissed her lips softly but with so much love. "No! This cant be happening!"
"Come one just let it be! Isabella please!" I pleaded. She shook her head.

She started walking away to her car but i had to stop her...i couldnt let her get away.
"Wait! Listen to me" i said as i spun her around to face me. "Im leaving to go do a show and its on your wedding day ill give you from today on to decide whether you want to leave with me or stay and get married."
She looked at me like i was crazy.
"You are absolutely insane! Michael i cant do that!" She said.
"Just think about it!" I said. She shook her head and i kissed her. She pulled away and got in her car. I saw her driving away and i decide to leave as well.

I got home kinda late and i was hoping that joeseph wouldnt catch me. As i was going up the stairs i tripped and fell. I heard one of the doors open. I waited until i could see who it was and i was relived when i saw it was janet.
"Michael! What the heck are you doing?!" She whispered and helped me up.
"The traffic was pretty jammed on my way here!" I whispered back and we continued to go up.
"Well ok then! Go to sleep before joeseph finds us!" She said. I nodded and we went our separate ways.
"Goodnight dunk!" I said and she smiled. I went to my room and i got ready for bed.

I got in bed and i was almost asleep when my phone vibrated. I saw that it was isabella calling so i picked up.
"Hi" i said.
"Hello michael" she said.
"Whats going on?" I asked. She took a deep breath.
"I really wanted to know if what you sai about being in love with me true" she said.
"Of course! I would not lie to you!" I said.
"Please tell me you really feel the way you do cuz michael i think im in love with you too!" She said.
"Isabella ive never felt this way before about anyone! I really do genuinely care about you and i do love you! Otherwise i wouldnt tell you to come with me!" I said.
"Ok i believe you! I still dont know if escaping with you is a good idea but ill definetly think about it." She said.
"Alright, i lo...i will see you later goonight," i said.
"Ill see you later michael have a good night as well." She said and we hung up.

God i hope she wants to come with me!


A/N: sorry for the dull, boring, and very short chapter!
Ive been really lazy and very tired from waking up early every day to go to school! I promise next chapter will better!

I will be updating this story every sunday night! No more monday nights! It will be on sunday!!!!!

Thank you for all of your votes and reads and obviously your comments!
Love you all!

My best friend, my love, my everything!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz