Daya Fanfic Chapter 21-26

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Demi POV Chapter 21

I wake up the day after Naya and I hung out feeling so...happy. I get these feelings that I never had with Wilmer or anyone for that matter. I get ready for a half day at Glee, then I start the live shows at X Factor tonight. Normally a busy schedule like this pisses me off, but I get to record 'Here Comes the Sun" with Naya today, so I'm in a good mood. I go straight to the studio where I find Naya and the music producer chit chatting. "Hey, Dem. Ready to sing?" Naya asks, grinning. "You know it. Let's do this." I replied. We step into the recording booth with our sheet music. The music producer tells us how he wants the song to sound and all that good stuff. We slip on our headphones and the music fills our ears. I noticed that the music producer can only see us from the chest up, since we're in the booth. So I reach over and hold Naya's hand giving it a squeeze before we start singing. I honestly wouldn't care if someone saw at this point, because the smile that is on her face right now, makes it worth it.

Naya POV Chapter 22

When Demi grabbed my hand, it felt like home. I couldn't help but smile at the sweet gesture. It took us a little bit longer to complete the song than planned so Demi had to rush off after we finished to get to X Factor. I was hanging out in Lea's trailer a little bit later, waiting for her to finish filming. I decided her and I should hang out tonight since we haven't in a while. While I was waiting, I got a text from Demi. From Demi: What are you doing tonight? To Demi: I'm not sure yet. Probably hang out with Lea. What's up? From Demi: Well, if you two like, you can come to X Factor tonight and hang out with me and watch the first live show of the season ;) To Demi: I'll run it by Lea, but I'm sure she'll love to go. I'll get to see you, so of course, I'm game. ;) From Demi: Awww :) see you later then xoxo A little while later Lea returned to her trailer, and she was more than excited to go to X Factor. Which was inevitable. We packed up and headed to Lea's to get ready. I had been exchanging text with Demi since earlier, and typical Lea caught on quickly. "You two are awfully friendly for only knowing each other a couple days." Lea said. "She's cool, alright? We hit it off as friends, that's all." I said kind of defensively. I didn't mean to, it just happened. "Chill, I didn't mean anything by it. Jeeze." Lea retorted. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap. Listen, Lea, I need to talk to you about something...."

Naya POV Chapter 23

I took a deep breath. I needed to talk to someone about this thing with Demi. Since Lea was one of my best friends, I knew I could talk to her about it. "I uh, you know how you said Demi and I were hanging out a lot lately?" I asked. Lea nodded, clearly confused. "Well, we are kind of unofficially dating..." I said, almost whispering. "What do you mean 'unofficially dating'?" She asked using air quotes. "We haven't really talked about what we are, but we've been on dinner dates and we've kissed a couple times." I said looking everywhere but Lea's eyes. She was quiet for a while, probably processing everything I just told her. "Please, say something, Lea." "You broke my gaydar. You and Demi both." "That's all you have to say?" I say with a chuckle. "Also, I'm not gay, I just had an attraction. I mean, maybe I am gay....I don't know what's going on really." "I know, Nay. I'm just giving you shit. I'm happy for you guys and your unofficial dating-ness. I do have one question though..." "Hmmm?" "Why aren't you dating? I mean you seem happy. Why not make it official?" Lea asked. "We haven't really talked about it. I think we are just playing things out and seeing what happens." "Well, whatever happens, I'm happy for you." She stood up and gave me a hug. "Thanks, Lea." I was really thankful she was in my life. She was an awesome friend. "Now, let's go see your girl" She said with a wink.

Demi POV Chapter 24

I was backstage at X Factor talking to my team of girls, trying to pump them up for the show. They were excited, but I could see fear in their eyes as well. I had faith they would get out there and rock it though. After talking to them I went to my dressing room to finish getting ready. A few minutes later I heard one of the assistants knock on the door. "Ms. Lovato?" She asked. "Yes?" "I have Naya Rivera and Lea Michelle here. Can they come in?" I jumped up and rushed over to the door, happy to see them both. "Hey guys come in! I'm glad you could make it." I gave both of them a hug, and went back over and sat on the couch in my room. We all talked for about 25 minutes about everything and anything. "Where is the restroom?" Lea asked. "Out the door, down the hall on the right." "Okay, I'll be right back." Lea excused herself, leaving Naya and I alone. We smiled goofily at each other before she scooted closer to me, and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. "I've wanted to do that all day." Naya admitted. "Me too." I couldn't help but smile. "I have something I need to tell you." Naya said shifting uncomfortably. "What is it?" I asked "I um, kind of told Lea what was going on between us..." "What? Why?" I ask, a little irritated. "Please don't be mad. I just needed to talk to someone about it. This is all confusing for me, and I knew I could trust Lea enough to talk to her about it." Then the door opened with Lea returning from the bathroom. Another assistant walked in behind her and told me I had 5 minutes. I was thankful because I need to be away from Naya right now. "I better go. The assistants will show you where to sit." I said trying to rush out of the room. "Naya and I are going to go out for dinner after we leave here. Did you want to go?" Lea asked, clueless to everything that just went on. "You guys go ahead. I don't get out of here until way late sometimes, and I'm kind of tired." I wasn't really telling the truth. I knew it, and by the look on Naya's face, she knew it too. I said goodbye to the two and made my way out to the stage. I couldn't really focus on anything besides Naya. Why would she tell Lea? I checked my phone before the show started, and I had a text from Naya. From Naya: Please don't be mad. I just needed to talk to someone about it. Please just understand. I shoved my phone back in my pocket with out replying. I needed time to think.

Demi POV Chapter 25

Throughout the show I kept turning around to look at Naya. Why would she tell Lea? She could've at least talked to me about it first. Maybe I'm overreacting, but that's how I feel. "Are you okay, girl?" Kelly asked me during commercial. "Yeah, just some stuff. I'll be okay though." Kelly gave me an understanding nod, and started talking to Simon. I'm just ready to go home, and sleep all of this off.

Naya POV

I wish Demi would reply to my text. I know she's mad, but I truthfully didn't mean to hurt her. I would never intentionally do that. I see her turning around and looking at me every couple of minutes. I can see it in her eyes that she's hurt and confused. I hope I can fix this. After the show, Lea and I hang around backstage hoping to talk to Demi, but she was caught up with the press doing interviews. I decided to text her since I couldn't tell her goodbye properly. To Demi: You had an amazing show, and your girls did great. Hopefully, I didn't screw everything up, and I'll hear from you soon. Xoxo Naya Lea and I head to dinner, and it didn't take long for her to realize I wasn't being my usual self. "Are you okay? You've been quiet since X Factor." "No, I'm not okay. I might have screwed shit up with Demi." "Why? You guys were fine earlier...?" "When you went to the bathroom, I told her that I told you about us. Needless to say, she didn't take it very well. I've sent her a couple text, but no reply." "She'll come around, Naya. Just give her time. She's probably just trying to figure all this out just like you." "You're right. Thanks, Lea." "Anytime."

Naya POV Chapter 26

After dinner, I went home and went to bed. I woke up periodically to see if I had a text from Demi, but I never got anything. I screwed everything up. How could I have been so stupid? It's now Friday, and I'm off work today and this weekend. I'm not really in the mood to see anyone anyway, so I'm glad I'm off. I sat around most of the day, moping, thinking about Demi. I decided to send her one more text, just hoping to get something from her. To Demi: Please talk to me. I know you're mad, and I messed up. Please. Xoxo I waited a few minutes and when I didn't get a reply I decided to jump in the shower. I know she's mad at me, but she could at least talk to me. It wasn't like I called TMZ and told them what was going on. I told Lea, my friend. When I got out of the shower, I decided I was done feeling sorry for myself. If Demi wasn't going to talk to me on her own, I'll make her talk to me. I got dressed, and checked my phone. Still nothing. I grabbed my car keys, and headed to Demi's. If this doesn't work, then I've lost her. Forever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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Daya Fanfic Chapter 21-26Where stories live. Discover now