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It's Saturday in the evening and I'm about to head to work. It's a freaking pain to go. I hate having to leave Elena knowing I can have her with me at the trap but then again it's not the safest place to be.

"Alright baby, mama has to go to work," I say to her as I give her a kiss on the cheek. "Be good to your abuela, okay? I love you."

I hand her over to Geo since he'll be watching her while my mom is cooks.

"Please take good care of her," I tell him.

He only nods.

I reach into my bag taking out my wallet and hand him over a one hundred dollar bill. He grins when I hand it over to him.

"Since when are you nice to me?" he jokes.

"Shut up don't make me take it back. I'm just glad you've been staying outta trouble these days and have been helping out mom and dad."

He licks his lips, "well thanks I guess."

I smile, "welcome bro. Let Edgar know I ain't giving him shit because his ass is never home anymore."

He nods looking away for some reason. Hm, they're probably mad at each other. I would ask but I'm already running late


Once I get in to the trap house I see Gustavo's car parked outside which made me smile. He was actually serious when he said he'll come help me last night.

"You're ass is finally here. Shit we're almost done doing YOUR job," he says once I entered the house.

I grin pushing his head a little as I checked the clipboard. "Last night YOU promised you would."

He rolls his eyes annoyed.

"Are you sure you're doing it my way," I ask.

"Yes we are," Toby's voice comes from the hallway. "It's so complicated I understand why Monica changed it to her dumb way."

"If Gustavo understands it then it's not all that complicated," I tease making Toby laugh.

"Melissa is upstairs she wants to see you," he informs me.

I nod, "keep working losers I'll be right back."

They start roasting me about how late I was and start talking about payment but I flip them off and run upstairs to find Melissa.

I go into the main room where some of the boxes are stocked and find her organizing. Once she notices me by the door she stops messing with the boxes to look at me with glare on her face. Shit, I know what this is going to be about.

"You have some explaining to do," she says.

"What did I do now, Mel?" I groan taking a seat on box.

She crosses her arms, "why didn't you give me a heads up about Gustavo asking me to make shit official?"

"Well because I didn't want to ruin the surprise and I knew you were going to say yes. Unless," my eyes widen when I realized. "Did you say no?"

"No, of course I said yes dumbass but I never thought he was going to ask me, at least not so soon. I wasn't emotionally prepared for that. The second he asked I started to cry hysterically," she says then looks down at the ground.

I go over and hug her.

"What wrong?" I whisper.

"It's just after he passed away I never thought I'd be this happy again, you know? I just hope that wherever he is that he isn't mad at me," she sobs.

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