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"She's doing good honey don't worry about her," my mom says through the phone.

I sigh, "I know mom it's just... I've never been away from her this long."

"I know how it feels mija," she sighs, "you better get back to work. This is the third call you've made for the last three hours. You just started and I don't want you to get fired now that you really need the job."

I bite my lip nervously, "yeah well call me if anything."

"I will don't worry," and she hangs up.

I toss my phone on the table and pull my hair back stressed.

It's my second day "working" I guess you can say in the trap. Of course I don't want my mom knowing that so AGAIN I lied telling her that I got a night job at a bar. I came into the trap house at five and to make it seem believable I told her I come out by midnight.

I hate leaving Elena for seven hours especially when this job doesn't require that many hours but I guess it's the only way to also keep her away from this.

Anyways it's has been three hours that I've been working and there is so much work to do. Monica apparently took my place when I left but she's a fucking mess. She has all the notes and everything mixed up so I've been recounting, repacking, and reassigning a lot of shit my way so it is taking so much time. I'm glad though it's making time go by faster.

I take one of many boxes left to work on and bring it to the table and begin taking the drugs out. The hardest and most annoying part is weighing it and packaging it.

Just as I was doing so the front door struggled to open. I quickly take a hold on my pistol I had laying on the bed and stand up. That's when Gustavo comes in with another box in his hands. I let out a sigh of relief and sit back down without saying anything.

Gustavo was a close friend of mine two years ago but now I don't know if he's cool with me. The night he took me home after being at Diablo's he didn't say a word so I suppose we ain't cool.

I try to not look at him as he walks past me putting the box on the wrong pile but I'll just move it when he leaves.

He glances over at me making me turn to the clipboard quickly as I pretend to read shit. He fuckin caught me!

"Hey," he says.

"Hm, are you talking to me?" I look up dumbly.

He shakes his head confused, "no the fucking wall. Of course I'm talking to you dumbass."

I try so hard not laugh but it doesn't work. I let out a giggle.

"Come here," he approaches arms wide open for a hug.

"Why wouldn't I be talking to you?" he asks once we sat down on the couch.

I shrug my shoulders, "because of what happened between Diablo and I."

He bites his lip, "What happened between you two is your business. You never gave me a reason to stop talking to you. I'm not gonna lie seeing Diablo all down and shit did make me cus you out sometimes and I'm sorry for that," he pauses, "I know what happened though. I know you were staying somewhere in New York with Daniel."

I frown kinda confused then figured quickly that Melissa probably told him but I still asked.

"How did you know?"

"Melissa but don't say shit to her Diablo literally made her life a living hell. She had to tell somebody," he quickly adds.

I nod sharply. "Why didn't you tell Diablo?"

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