Hello, my name is GaMzEe MaKaRa

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A/N- So right now I am writing up all the ideas I have in my ideas notebook. The orginal idea is the promt and the story below will be what I got from the promt. I hope you enjoy these stories of mines. :3


Prompt: I can’t get these voices out of my head. No matter how hard I try, they always come back. They’re driving me insane. Making me go mad. It has been getting harder to control myself and my actions. It’s like I’m losing control, like someone else is taking over me. I want to go back to my normal.


Hello, my name is Gamzee Makara

by Olivia White 3.15.14

It’s has been interesting, these past few days. After Dave sent me that clown video I’ve been experiencing some strange things. I hear people talking to me when I am completely alone in my restpitblock. I would do my best and try to ignore them the best I can and after a while they go away. The first time it happened, I thought I was just had too many smile pies but then they came back. At first it was once a month, then it was once a week, then it became a daily thing. Every other hour they would come and they will not stop talking. Always talking about these horrible things, they would say how I should kill Tavros or Terezi. I would just pretend that I didn’t hear a word they said. I just pretended that everything was okay and normal. That was until yesterday….yesterday was the worse. It was yesterday that I decided to listen to those voices, I don’t know why but something clicked in my brain and told me to. It was strange. I blacked out only to wake up covered in bronze blood. Bronze blood, I thought, my eyes widening, Tavros’ blood color.

I stepped back in shock, “Did I kill Tavbro? Did I just kill my flush crush? How could I? What…why?”

I kept on repeating the same thing over and over again like a broken record. I couldn’t believe myself, why would I do this. I felt something wet on my face, “My tears.” I mutter to myself, “May you rest in peace Tavros Nitram.” I kiss his forehead, closing his eyes. I walk away with one of my clubs on my shoulder, the voices telling me to kill more. 

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