Something Like Fate

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A couple of hours later, you're sitting on a park bench, flicking through the photos; reminiscent of what a great night it was.


You look at the caller ID but it says unknown number.


Who's that? You think.


You look to your friend.

"Who d'you think that is?" you ask, getting ready to press ignore.


"OMG what if it's Josh?" She exclaims.


You doubt it, but you answer it anyway.

"Hello?" You say timidly.

"Urm, hi. Is this Y/N?" He asks.

Wait, he has an American accent, could it be Josh?

"Yes, this is, and who's this?" You ask with a huge grin on your face.

"It's Josh, I was just checking that this was a real number," he says cheekily.

All the air leaves your lungs. You're frozen. Your mouth gaps open but you can't close it. A squeak leaves your dry mouth and you look to your friend.

"What? Who is it?" She asks.

You try to mouth Josh but it comes out as a squeak.

"Hello? Y/N? Are you still there?" Josh asks on the other end of the phone.

"Urm, yeah. Wh-What-Why are you phoning? Hasn't the film premiere started yet?" You ask.

"No, not yet. I was waiting for the film to start and I was thinking of you, so I went to the restroom and phoned you," he tells you.

You're shocked. Josh Hutcherson was thinking about you?

"Who is it?!" Your friend starts demanding now. You don't want to say out loud that it's Josh because he'd hear. So instead, you try and act out who it is.

You stand up and pretend to write something on imaginary paper, then leave forwards slightly and fall onto the floor.

"Ohhh! It's Josh!" Your friend exclaims.

You nod frantically and tears start steaming down your cheeks.

It's real, it's really happening, you think.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" You hear Josh say. You realise you've just been crying with a grin on your face for a few minutes so you feel a little stupid.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm just a little overwhelmed at the moment. I didn't expect you to phone!" You admit.

"Of course I was going to phone you! You gave me your cell number!" He exclaims.

"I love your American dialect," you tell him.

"What do you mean?" He asks, obviously confused.

"Well, how you say different words to English people. Like just now you said 'cell' instead of mobile and you said you're in the 'restroom' instead of the bathroom or toilet. It's cute," you ramble on. Josh laughs lightly on the other end.

"So, we should meet up sometime," Josh says, after you finished talking.

"Yeah we should! When do you leave London?" You ask.

"Two days," he says, "are you free tomorrow?" He asks.

"Abso-blooming-lutely!" You exclaim, with a fake northern accent, "what do you want to do?" You ask.

"We could hang out in London, if you want?" He suggests.

"Sure, shall I meet you at 11:30 at Paddington Station?" You ask.

"Okay, see you tomorrow!" He says.

"Yeah! Bye!" You hang up and turn to your friend. "Prepare for a MASSIVE fangirl attack," you warn.

She backs away slightly as you start shaking. Your smile gets wider and wider until you're worried it might split your face in half. You can feel your screaming hysteria rising from your chest, from the very pit of your being.

Tears cloud your vision as you start jumping up and down, screaming.


People are staring at you but you don't care. You don't know what to do with yourself so you lie on the cold floor and curl up into the foetal position. You sob and scream until you run out of tears.

You start to get worried that people might think you have a mental illness and you're having a breakdown, so you get up, brush yourself off and look to your friend.

"Okay, should we go home now?" You ask, as if nothing just happened.

"Urrm...sure," she says, warily.

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