Chapter Thirteen

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Ava sat as the doctors examined her, she didn't want to tell anyone that she was raped not once but twice, but she needed to know that her baby was okay. Gemma still couldn't get ahold of Jax and she was getting furious

"Baby I'm gonna go find that little fucker I'll be back soon okay?" Gemma said as she tucked a piece of hair behind Ava's ear

"Okay" Ava whispered knowing that since it was just Ava and the doctor now that she should tell them that she was raped, she had no idea if Aj wore anything so she wanted to to make sure that she didn't contract anything. Ava needed her husband. She needed him to sit and hold her and tell her that everything was okay even though it wasn't. She knew she couldn't tell Jax about the attack she needed to keep the story that she got into an accident

Gemma stormed into the clubhouse everyone was sleeping and Jax's bike was still in the same spot as she left, Gemma's heels clicked so hard against the linoleum flooring that she was sure they were going to break

Opening Jax's door she scoffed as she looked at her son sleeping with Penny by his side. Gemma walked over to the side Penny was laying on and ripped her out of the bed by her hair

"OW WHAT THE FUCK!" Penny screamed as she fell to the floor instantly waking Jax up

"Get your filthy fucking whore ass out of this clubhouse if I so much as ever look at you again I will take those tits off your fucking body and shove them down your fucking throat do you understand me" Gemma said pointing her finger at Penny

"Mom what the fuck!" Jax said getting out of bed

"Don't you dare talk to me that way! While you were over here fucking Malibu Barbies brains out, Ava you know your wife the one who you married totaled your fucking truck and you couldn't bother to answer the phone as she called for help" Gemma said slapping Jax's face

"What do you mean she totaled the truck where is she ma? is she okay?" Jax paniced as he quickly got dressed

"Shes barely hanging on by a thread Jackson, I cant believe you would do something like this after wanting her back for so long and you still cant keep it in your pants" Gemma said shaking her head as she walked out of his dorm room Jax hot on her heels

Jax raced to the hospital tears stinging his cheeks as he rode, he knew he should of never fell for Pennys bait because then he could be by Ava's side this entire time. Jax was pissed at himself for even fucking Penny in the first place. Screaming at the top of his lungs as he rode Jax knew that he would never be able to forgive himself for not answering that call, if he would have just answered he would of known she was in an accident and she wouldn't of felt so alone when she needed him the most. Jax's thoughts trailed to the baby praying that his child was okay. He couldn't bare to lose yet another child and he doesn't think that Ava could either.

"I'm here to see Ava Teller" Jax said as he got to the nurses station

"Right this way" the nurse said

When Jax entered the room it wasn't what he expected, Ava was sitting in the bed, her face was still riddled with blood, and her eyes were near swollen shut, with black and blue marks all over her face

"Oh god babe" Jax said as he rushed to her side. Ava turned her face away from him as a tear ran down her face "I'm so sorry babe what happened?"

"Truck is totaled sorry" Ava said bitterly

"I don't give two shits about the truck, I care about you babe" Jax said as he took her hand in his, Ava pulling it out of his grip

"If you cared you would of answered the phone Jax" Ava said refusing to look at him

"I'm sorry I didn't hear my phone ring" Jax lied as he swallowed a lump in his throat

"Sure you didn't, I'm not stupid Jax" Ava said looking into his eyes, he head was killing her. All the thoughts in her head were getting to her, everything that Aj said to her about Jax never wanting her and the only reason he married her was because she was a good lay

"Whats with all the monitors?" Jax asked looking around at two different monitors

"One is for my heart, I had a panic attack and the other is to monitor my fluids" Ava said

"Shouldn't there be one for the baby?" Jax asked

Ava looked away from him and let out a small sob "I lost it"

"What do you mean you lost it? How? Were you wearing your seatbelt?" Jax asked as he felt the walls closing in on him his heart beating faster

"I was, the impact was what did it. There was nothing the doctors could of done, I lost it before I even got here" Ava said quietly

"I need to get you home so I can take care of you" Jax said

"I don't think I want to go home with you" Ava said looking at Jax

"Babe what do you mean?" Jax asked taking a step back

"I think I need to be alone for a little while, having my husband not answer his phone when I need him the most seems fishy to me" Ava said

"I didn't hear my phone babe I'm sorry!" Jax lied, he knew he could lie all he wanted but he felt that Ava knew the truth without Jax even having to tell her

"Please go Jax, I just.. I cant even look at you right now" Ava said turning her entire body away from Jax no matter how much pain it put her in

"Ava please don't do this" Jax said as tears rolled down his face

"Go away Jax" Ava said again

"Baby please don't push me away" Jax cried

Ava turned over and sat up, the pain in her back and stomach was enough to nearly make her pass out

"I clearly said get out of my room before I call security and have you removed" Ava snarled

"I love you Ava, more then you will ever know" Jax trembled

"If you loved me like you say you do, you would of answered the fucking phone now get out the fuck out" Ava screamed

Jax choked back tears as he backed away from Ava, walking backwards through the door as Gemma came rushing to Ava's side as she cried, it killed him not being able to comfort his wife like he should "I love you babe" Jax said as he was almost out of the room

Gemma looked up at Jax, never in his life had his mother ever looked at him the way she was. With pure disappointment and hate

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