Chapter Twelve

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Ava bopped through the store trying to find something to cook for the party tonight at the clubhouse promising Jax that she would make something all of the guys would love. Ava knew what the club parties entailed a lot of drinking and women all over your men. Ava rolled her eyes at the thought of Penny being there but she knew there was nothing she could do about it. Penny was one of the best bartenders on a Friday night and Jax already assured Ava that there was nothing to worry about

Ava walked into the clubhouse feeling comfortable, she knew that no one was going to mess with her and she also knew that she was going to keep to herself most of the night.

After the party was in full swing Ava yawned, she knew she was tired this pregnancy had been taking a serious toll on her and she was constantly tired. Scanning the room for Jax she spotted him walking out of the Chapel with Opie, slowly walking over to him Jax immediately noticed the tiredness in her face

"Hey babe you tired?" Jax asked

"Very" Ava yawned as Jax wrapped his arms around her pulling her into a hug, her face resting against his leather as she inhaled his smell

"Lets get you home then" Jax smiled as Ava looked up at him

"No baby you stay back here and I will be fine" Ava smiled as she touched Jax's face

"Are you sure? I can have one of the guys bring you home" Jax said

"No Jax its fine I promise, I don't want any of you to miss this fun" Ava laughed as they watched Tig do a body shot off of a croweater

"Okay babe, I love you drive safe" Jax said as he placed a kiss on her forehead

"I will, I'll see you at home" Ava smiled as Jax kissed her

"I will be home soon" Jax said kissing her again

After saying goodbye to everyone outside Ava headed towards the truck and slid into it, her head resting on the steering wheel as she yawned and laughed at one of the prospects trying to box in the ring before she headed out of the lot

Ava sat at the red light off of main street, her body shivering from the cool California night, her eyes darting to the rearview mirror as a set of headlights pulled up behind her and turning off. Instant panic set in and Ava frantically searched for her phone in her purse and dialed Jax's number not answering she tried again quickly as she watched someone approach the truck, hitting the end button just as the door opened

"Hello Ava, I think you and I are going to go for a little joy ride" The voice said as he pulled her from the truck, Ava screaming for help as the guy put a cloth over her mouth her body growing limp

Meanwhile Jax knew he shouldn't be doing this, he swore he would never do this again but Penny found him at the right time, Jax had walked back to the dorms to grab something and Penny followed him into his room and begged for him to fuck her one last time as she promised that she would leave Ava alone. Jax being as drunk as he was decided to fall for it

"Jax baby fuck me harder" Penny moaned as Jax grabbed her hair, he thought by taking her from behind he wouldn't have to look at her face

Jax heard his phone ringing a special ringtone only meant for Ava, Jax screwed his eyes tight as he fucked Penny harder, their skin slamming together as he heard his phone ring again. Tempted to stop Jax knew he would call her back when he was finished

"Yes Jax! faster" Penny screamed Jax couldn't hold on much longer, the only time he ever enjoyed fucking Penny was when he could go hard and fast just to get it done and over with.

Ava opened her eyes, she wasn't sure where she was but her body hurt, her arms were chained to a chain link fence above her head, she knew she was on the floor

"Help!" Ava called out hoping that someone was there, hearing the door creak open and a heavy set of feet walking towards her she froze

"Finally you are awake" he said leaning down to Ava's level

"What do you want with me?" She asked him noticing he was wearing a mask

"I want to finally have my chance with you, you were always too busy with Jax to even notice me" He said as she started to unbutton her jeans as Ava thrashed back and forth yelling for him to stop. She knew who it was, the only guy that ever wanted to get into her pants when they were younger, the only one who ever had the balls to try. Aj Weston

"If you stop it will make it less painful" he said as he was finally able to unbutton her jeans and pull them down

"My my Jax is a lucky man having a lady who prefers no panties" he smiled as he ran his fingers over her entrance

"Get away from me you sick fucking fuck" Ava yelled as she spit in his face, immediately feeling a punch to the face that nearly made her see stars, her body was giving up fighting as he undid his zipper and pulled himself out of his pants

"Now, the fun part is about to start baby" he smiled as he peeled her legs apart and forced himself inside of her

Ava screamed in pain so loud it echoed off the walls of the warehouse

"Shut up you stupid bitch!" Aj screamed as he punched her so hard in the nose it knocked her out

Gemma said goodbye to all of the guys, figuring Jax had went home for the night since she hadn't really seen him since Ava left so Gemma figured he snuck out the back or that he hitched a ride home with Ava. Rolling a joint before she started her car she decided to take the long way home to smoke it, stopping at a stop sign Gemma looked and noticed that Jax's truck was parked at the old warehouse with the lights still on, pulling into the parking lot Gemma got out of her Cadillac and walked over to the truck to noctice all of Ava's belongings still sitting on the passanger seat

Gemma looked up at the warehouse to see one of the locks cut, racing up the few steps Gemma opened the door and yelled out for Ava

"Ava? Baby are you In here?" Gemma yelled

"Gemma?" Ava said quietly

Gemma raced over towards Ava who was still handcuffed to the chain link fence Gemma placed a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound of a sob, her daughter in law was laying with her pants down around her ankles and a face that was barely recognizable

"I need a hospital, don't tell Jax please" Ava said as Gemma started to pull her pants up for her

"Baby we have to tell him" Gemma said as she looked around for something that could break the handcuffs

"Gemma, old lady to old lady. Don't tell Jax please just do something with the truck please he cant know about this" Ava cried

"Okay baby, lets get you to the hospital. Check on that baby okay?" Gemma said as she was able to help Ava to her feet and out to Gemma's Cadillac

"I'm gonna call Jax tell him you wrecked the truck and you are on your way to st Thomas" Gemma said pulling out her phone

"Not yet. Wait till we get there" Ava said taking Gemma's hand as she cried harder knowing that she needed to keep this secret from her husband   

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