New Girl??

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Kendall's POV
Mackenzie:Guys have you seen Maddie I haven't seen here
Kalani:No we haven't sorry K
There was a knock on the door
Kendall:Come in
A blonde girl walked in
Brynn:Hi I'm your new roommate
Kendall:hi what's your name
Brynn:My name is Brynn
Kendall:I'm Kendall this is Kalani Nia Kenzie and JoJo
Brynn:Nice too meet you
Nia:Your bed is this one next too me
She walked over and started unpacking
~1 hour later~
We where all talking to Brynn when Maddie walked in and looked at Brynn
Maddie:Um who are you
Brynn:My name is Brynn I'm new who are you
Maddie:I'm Maddie your on my bed
Kendall:Actually your bed moved into the corner
Maddie:Why did you move it
Kalani:free country
Maddie:Why do you guys all hate me
JoJo:Because you should be with Gino and Kendall should be with Jacob but you ruined that by secretly dating Jacob
Maddie:You guys are so childish
Nia:Your a backstabber
Nia:We also know you called Kendall behind her back on that note
Maddie:It was a joke
Kalani:Calling one of your best friend is a joke
JoJo:But it was behind her back so you where serious
Maddie:Ugh shut up

Kendall's POV Mackenzie:Guys have you seen Maddie I haven't seen here Kalani:No we haven't sorry KThere was a knock on the doorKendall:Come in A blonde girl walked in  Brynn:Hi I'm your new roommate Kendall:hi what's your name Brynn:My name is Bry...

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Yes I'm alive I know shocking

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