First day

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Kalani prov
So I've arrived at my new boarding school I hate it apparently we share with 6 people really anyway I got my bags and walked in got my room number I walked in and saw 4 people
Maddie:I'm Maddie this is my sister Mackenzie
Jojo:I'm jojo
I got my bed and started unpacking it had our names on our beds at top then somebody came in wearing amazing clothes wow
Kendall:hiya Kendall
Kalani:I'm Kalani
Maddie:I'm Maddie
Mackenzie:I'm Mackenzie but you can call me kenzie
We smiled
Kendall's prov
I started unpacking my clothes shoes makeup hair products everything like that
These are the outfits

Kalani prov So I've arrived at my new boarding school I hate it apparently we share with 6 people really anyway I got my bags and walked in got my room number I walked in and saw 4 people Maddie:I'm Maddie this is my sister Mackenzie Jojo:I'm jojo...

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I finished unpacking
Kendall:should we look around together
They agreed and we walked out
10 minutes later
We where walking outside me and Kalani where talking and Maddie bumped into some jocks
Jacob:watch where your going
I walked in front of Maddie and in. Front of him
Kendall:watch your attitude
Jacob:wow barbie doll I'm Jacob what's yours
Kendall:I would love to tell you but I've got better things more interesting things to do come on girls
Jacob:shut up lads
We walked off
Maddie:thanks Kendall
Kendall:anything for you guys
We sat on some grass
Kendall:so you like anyone yet
Kalani:I saw this cute boy before and he was over there with the jocks he smiled at me and I smiled back
Kendall:really which one
Kalani:the one with the kinda long hair and blue eyes
Kendall:I see him
I stood up
Kalani:where you going
Kendall:get you his number one minute
I walked over
Jacob:you coming back
Kendall:no what's your name
Kendall:could I talk to you
We walked away
Kendall:could my friend have your number
Hayes:which one
I pointed at Kalani
He wrote his number down and gave me the paper an we walked off
Kendall:Hayes number for you
Kalani:thanks Kendall
Kendall:call me KK
We stood up and started walking again
Kendall:the sun is really bright can we go back and get my sunglasses
Maddie:yeah sure
Kalani:I'll go back stay there all we will meet you
Maddie:oh okay
We walked off I got my sunglasses and Kalani got hers and we walked back out locking our door we walked back to the others Maddie had a red mark on the side of her face
Kendall:what happened
Maddie:Jacob threw the ball in my face
I saw the football on the floor next to Maddie picked it up I saw Jacob turned backwards to me I threw it and it hit the back of his head he turned around I smiled and we walked to Starbucks and sat down after we got our drinks
Nia:so where do you come from KK

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