part 65

916 34 9

January 12


"We need to meet today, my office at 1:30." Kacey says the minute I answer my phone, I sigh longingly. "I'll be there." I say, I press the end button quickly. "Who was that babe?" Matty asks from the couch, I was fixing to walk up the stairs. "Just my other boyfriend." I say jokingly, then continue up the stairs.

I walk in the room to grab a decent looking outfit, I hear Matty bounding up the stairs. "Are you being serious?" He asks quickly, I laugh at his nervous demeanor. "No, I was just kidding." I say and kiss his cheek, he sighs. "Good, but seriously where are you going?" He asks, I go back to my closet.

"Kacey called, I have a meeting in 45 minutes." I call out from the closet, I pick out a pair of skinny jeans and a pink sweater. I change clothes quickly, then step out of the closet to see Matty just patiently waiting on the bed. "Awe, you look absolutely adorable." He states, I give him a quick peck on the lips.

"What do you think Kacey wants?" He asks, I shrug. "Probably has a proposition or a complaint." I tell him, he chuckles. "Well you're not wrong." He replies, I head to the bathroom to put on some makeup, I hear him trudge behind me.

"You're pretty with or without it babe." He says while I put my foundation on. "Thanks Matthew, I just feel like wearing it today." I say, he nods. "I'll let you know how the meeting goes, okay. Bye, lov-" I almost finished that word... almost, "bye Matty." I say and head towards the door. "Wait! Give me a kiss goodbye, you idiot!" He yells while running down the stairs behind me. I laugh quietly, then face him. He gives me a quick kiss, then I head out the front door.


"So how did you feel about the charity ball?" Kacey asks, I smile fondly. "It was a good experience, something I learned from." I speak happily. "Good, did Matty like it?" She asks. "Yeah, I mean you saw the benefit concert." I say, she nods. "That was sweet of you two, I know it's hard to do when you're not dating." She says, I laugh.

"We're dating again, I guess I should of told you that sooner." I say and she smiles. "That's great, honestly. As you know, the contract is ending soon; what are you planning on doing?" She asks, I sigh. "Can I be honest with you Kacey?" I ask, she nods.

"You have a daughter and a husband," I start off by pointing at the picture on her desk, "what did it feel like? Falling in love with your husband?" I question, she smiles.

"When I fell in love with Ryan, I finally felt happy. I spent every waking moment thinking about him, and even when he made me so pissed off, all I wanted to do was to be wrapped in his arms. I just felt like he was my other half." She states, the wide smile never leaving her face. "So it felt natural?" I conclude.

"It was like an adventure. You start to uncover the real them, like their humor or dance skills; trust me, Ryan couldn't dance, but I had to discover that. They start acting or doing something that you never thought about, they open you up to that. You want to keep finding out new things because of them, it's just a life changing experience." She says with a content sigh. This is the first time I've seen Kacey let her guard down, I liked this new side.

"Thank you for that." I say, she nods. "So are you in love with Matty?" She asks, she taps her long nails against the desk. "I don't know, I just don't know. I experience those things you talk about, but I don't indulge in them. Ever since my last boyfriend and I broke up, I don't believe in love. Believe as in, I don't cry anymore to romantic movies or I don't get the obsession with it. I told my ex that I loved him, and look where that got me. I guess I'm just scared." I spiel, she gives me a curious look.

"I was in love before Ryan, that can happen. Don't dishearten yourself Avery, sometimes things happen for a reason. Did you learn from your ex?" She questions. "Yeah, I learned that I don't want to love again because it hurts." I admit, she frowns. "You have to try to love again, love can't fail unless you make it. If Matty isn't the one, then you'd know. I hope that clears up for you." She says truthfully. "I appreciate this Kacey, you and your husband are a beautiful couple." I state, she smiles. "Thank you. If I wasn't the one who came up with the contract, I would think the same for you and Matty." She says, I smile. "Thanks, is there anything we need to discuss?" I ask, she adjusts herself in her seat. "Yes, actually." She says and starts shifting through her papers.

"So, this guy named Trevor is publishing things about your past relationship." She tells me, she hands me the magazine. "Avery was hard to live with, she was absolutely full of herself. Her one year of fame really got to her head, she treated me like absolute shit." The first article read, I roll my eyes. "Do you actually believe this?" I ask, she shakes her head. "It's quite stupid, I wouldn't believe it. However, it's giving you bad press. They want Matty to speak out about the relationship, is this okay?" She asks, I shrug. "That's up to Matty, he'd be the one talking." I say, she nods. "Okay, I'll talk to his manager. Also, this Trevor guy didn't deserve you. The kid seems like a dick." She tells me, I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're not wrong." I say, grinning ear to ear. "One last thing, you should be super excited about this one. Due to popular demand, we've scheduled tour dates all around Europe." She says, my eyes widen. "You're kidding!" I say, I literally jump out of my chair with excitement. "No, I'm not. I called you in here to tell you this personally, because of the day it starts. The first tour date is January 27, I know it's already going to be a weird day, so you'll need to start thinking about the contract now. You need to be prepared for the worst, so you can be happy on stage, okay?" She says, I nod. "I'm sorry Ave, you'll sort this all out, have a good day okay." She tells me, I smile gently. "You too." I say, I walk out the office door. She was right, I had a lot of thinking to do.

Do I love Matty? Do I want to keep the contract?

If you couldn't notice, I have literally nothing to write about, I'm so sorry. There's probably so many errors. Shit, there's only like a few chapters left. I'm gonna miss all the nice compliments that make me wanna continue writing.

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