five; back to thirteen

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Silence. Everything was silent. The bark of the tree rubbed against the two kid's back in a more comfortable than painful way. Not a single noise.

Thirteen year olds Blue Green and Green Oak sat against the tree in pure silence, each enjoying the silence too much to talk. In was a fall evening, with the sunset glowing through the trees like a half-light.

The tree leaves were a crimson and pumpkin color with the perfect mixture of orange and red creating a glimmer to be seen. It was such a beautiful night but the longing for more was bitter to Green.

He looked over to see a sight for soar eyes. Blue laid back against the tree. Her brown curls framed her face beautifully no matter how messy they were. Her eyelashes brushed her cheeks as her eyes layer closed peacefully.

Her skirt was properly covering her undergarments even though she usually ignored standards. She was Her hat rested in her lap as her soft hands neatly sat ontop of it. She looked so delicate and beautiful at this moment. Too bad she was unconscious to see his glimmering eyes staring at her in admiration.

He initially didn't realize she was asleep. He thought she was awake and just enjoyed the silence as much he did. He guessed he was wrong. She had been working herself hard trying to earn money to finally leave Kanto, but he didn't know if she was close.

He then started to talk.

"You know, I have to say I have life pretty hard." His juvenile self just continued talking without even realizing what he was saying.

"I thought I was obviously the better trainer against Red, but even with an advantage due to my starter's type, he still beats me!" Green slams his wrist against the tree in anger. He might have the outer appearences of nonchalant and numb to the outer world, but inside he was a raging fire.

He knew Red was a better trainer from the start. Yet he still attempted to challenge him for the championship. He set himself up for failure as if was all a stupid game. But the outcome was...he never had a chance.

"And of course when Red came home with he champion title, I didn't even get a congratulations for my fifteen minutes of fame." Even though tears budded in the corners of his eyes at this remembrance, he surprisingly tilted his head back and laughed.

"Not even Gramps congratulated me, I always knew he liked Red better." He laughed again but this time it was less of a pity laugh and more of a relaxed laugh.

"I really am just one big mess."

Suddenly he hears shifting next to him. He knew Blue was asleep and he was just ranting to no one but he looks over to see her squirming.

"Quiet it down, will ya?" She mumbles still half-asleep. Her eyes were still closed and within no time she fell back into a slumber again.

Green sighed and just stopped talking.

The note had changed his perspective about the whole situation. And as he set out on a sprint across the wildin' grasses towards the town he had one thing on his mind.

He was going to find Blue Green.

sorry for the short chapter

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