two; starlight starbright

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He was miserable. His insomniac self couldn't muster up enough drowsiness to fall asleep no matter how many pills he took. He was trapped in what felt like a cage of sweat covered sheets and unbearable heat. He wasn't sick, he knew that. This was a normal routine for him.

He had always had trouble sleeping. He would feel extreme heat or get a headache which caused him to stay up up most nights in misery or drown himself in prescribed pills until sleep finally took its toll. The sweat gathering on his forehead had caused his breathing to become uneven. He needed water. Now.

He felt it painful to bring his legs to the cold floor. He sat up lightheaded and immediately regretted it, but he knew if he didn't get water fast, going to bed would be more painful. His saggy plaid pajama paints touches the grounds as he dragged his feet to the kitchen.

He saw his grandpa's room door closed signaling he was sleeping. Green was jealous. He had always been the only one in his family to have trouble getting to bed at night. It happened right after his parents died four years ago and he's barely recovered.

He was still the scared little boy he was right after the crash, and even though his physical appearances changed, his soul hasn't. He hid it behind a cocky and arrogant personality during the day, but his feelings had no mercy on him at nightfall.

It truly was a struggle. It was hard to know others could fall asleep at the drop of the hat when he sat in bed rolling in the hot mess of anxiety and sweat.

He poured the water. Pallet Town wasn't the most popular town in all all of Kanto so the water delivered was always tap water. I mean after all it did only have five families.

As Green turned off the water in the kitchen sink he stared out the window. He looked up to see the bright sky of stars. The sky shined a dark blue as the scattered stars brightened up like little specks of white.

Pallet Town was one of the only towns in Kanto to have a full sky of stars. Since the sky wasn't dimmed by all the artificial lights and electronics, it was able to be seen. Because of this Green had become pretty good at identifying stars.

He had always done it on nights when he was bored as a child or even now as a teenager if the moment felt right. It somehow found a way to calm him and the drowsiness he pleaded for would finally kick in.

His dream house included a giant clear roof so wherever he was at night he could see the stars and feel a calming sensation. But he was in Pallet Town, and he would probably live in the same house he was living in, and his kids would live in the same house too and so on. His parents unfortunately didn't yearn for the same starlit sky he did.

He dreamed of more. He dreamed of more than just generation to come living in the same crowded house as he did, only familiar with the four neighbors they have. But the second he ended his Pokemon career, any chance of that decreased dramatically.

He counted the stars. To the far left he recognized the large star that always seemed to catch his attention, Sirius. He pointed his finger up to the sky with the reflection of the night dancing in the glossiness of his eyes.

He dragged this finger all the way across the imaginary picture infront of him until he counted all the stars to his memory. He glanced right for a second. He saw the outline of the small wooden house of the Green's. Their daughter Blue was a good friend of Green's, even if they did have a love-hate relationship.

But one think caught his eye. A silhouette​ of a figures crouching right below the window sent some suspicion to his brain. Who was that? Were they getting robbed? What was going to happen? As he looked to move closer to the window for a better look, he felt his elbow touch something cold and hard. The next thing he heard was a crash.

He quickly flickered the light on as he glanced down. The glass that he had just filled up with water before he got distracted from the sky laid on the kitchen floor in pieces. The water proceeded to flow towards the cracks in the ground which would get him in much trouble with his grandpa.

He groaned at the sight of this and began walking to the cleaning closet to grab the broom. He just had to do one thing first. He couldn't let anything happen to the Green's. He went to the window to see if the intimidating sillohoute was still there. He checked.

It wasn't.

New chapter. Hope younger a good idea about Blue's personality.

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