Chapter 5

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Jae flipped the eggs one last time before turning off the stove and taking out a plate. She knew how Lock loved him some breakfast in bed so that's exactly what she was doing. Jae set the bacon and eggs onto the plate and put the grits in a bowl. She walked to the refrigerator and poured some orange juice into the glass then she placed the breakfast on the platter and made her way upstairs to Lock's bedroom, making sure to viciously sway her hips.

Jae reached the bedroom door, pushing it open with her hip, to see that Lock was up on the phone. Most likely taking care of business. Jae walked over and set the platter down on Lock's lap and he thanked her with a head nod before taking a spoon of grits.

"So he dead?" Lock asked the person on the phone, "Hmm. Damn. I cant have my niggas dropping like flies. Imma call his lil' brother and show my respect though," He continued, "'ight son I hit you up lata." Lock hung up the phone and immediately started fuming, his eyes bugged out like golf balls and his nose flared. Not helping the fact that he wasn't all that in the looks department.

He picked his iPhone up in his hands and threw it, making it hit the wall and shatter into pieces. Jae noticed his outburst and stood still. She thought about asking him what happened but she decided not too and just watched him.

"Fuck!" He screamed. Lock stood up, picking up his pants and putting them on.

"Where are you going baby?" Jae finally asked. Lock didn't even respond, so she watched his every move.

Lock was already half way dressed when Jae was fed up with being ignored. "Lock! Where the hell is ya ass going!" She yelled. Lock turned around and gave her a evil glare, then grabbed his keys.

"Yo ass lucky you my girl, cause had you been anyone else, I woulda put a hot one in yo ass. Talking to me like you crazy." Lock looked her up and down before heading for the bedroom door. Jae quickly ran to block the doorway, "Baby, you not just finna leave me here and not tell me whats going on. I'm 'pose to be your ride or die. You got a problem? I'm gonna ride, that's how it go."

Lock rubbed his face, chucking lightly. "Jace, one of the niggas working for me got murked at that club you work at....." Jae was so lost in her thoughts that everything Lock said after that was a blur.

There was a shootout at Xplicit about a week ago.. Was it the people that were after Kenneth that shot Jace? Should she tell lock what she knew?

"..........And I'm about to go holla at his baby brother. You comin'?" Lock's voice trailed back into her ear.

"M-me? Yeah I'm coming, gimme a few minutes to get ready." Jae replied.

"Alright, I'll be outside in the Ferrari. Hurry ya ass up." Lock said before closing the bedroom behind him.

Jae just looked at the untouched breakfast she cooked, rolled her eyes and walked into the walk-in closet, where she had a fresh pair of clothes. She laid out a black pencil skirt, a plain red crop top, gold waist belt and an all white Chanel bag.

Jae took about 20 minutes to get ready, applying makeup, fixing her hair and throwing away the, now cold, food. When she was done, she walked outside too see her man impatiently leaning against the all black Matte Ferrari.

"Jae why you take so damn long?" He said when he noticed her.

"It don't take a minute to get alllll this, the way it's looking." Jae rubbed her hands down the sides of her curvy body before opening the passenger door and hopping in. Might be fake, but it was poppin'.

Lock laughed. "Yeah but it only take me a minute to get it off, keep playin' with me. My d*ck play no games when it's ready." He said seriously.

Jae smirked. "Whatever, just start this car and let's go."

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