3. candy wrappers

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Olivia always liked art
When I saw the letter
I was not surprised to see little Skittle candies
Wow, there were a lot, I'm serious
Covering the front and the back
Each one individually wrapped
With colorful baking paper
Making a perfect rainbow
How long must that have taken?

I was surprised about what it said.

My dearest Kyla, how I love you:
I'm so sorry. I left, and there is proof
Because of what I took
, and i dearly hope
You don't get in trouble
So please
Try to be good
And don't try to look for me
I'm going away
As far as I can get
And please don't follow.
I don't want you to have a life
Like mine will become
I plan to work around the clock...
As much as a seventeen-year-old will get hired.
I can't write
Not until you've grown up
And gone from Carla
(I can't call her mom)
The past two years we spent
In that awful place
Were the worst of my life
And I'm moving on
But it's not awful
For you
So don't follow
With love,
So much love,
More than you'll ever know
And enjoy my candies.

And whenever I reread it..
I see something new
New tears
Every time
And each time
I eat one of the candies.
Now I'm down
To the last twenty.

I keep her letter
Folded up in my pocket
All the time.

Lost in the Rain ~ Book One of the Head in the Clouds seriesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα