1. raindrops

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I hear raindrops on the attic roof.
I'm stuck in here
Listening to the
Of the drops
Sliding down the roof
Like I used to do when I was younger.

Olivia did it with me.
We'd slide down,
Hearts soaring as we went
And Mom and Dad would take out the trampoline
To catch us.

We don't do that anymore
Because Olivia isn't here-
Not yet, anyway,
And neither are Mom and Dad.

The attic here isn't dusty at all
Because Linda
-she's the maid here-
Cleans it all the time
And there isn't even
A speck of dust
Or dirt.

It's shiny clean and smells like
A pineapple...
Or a lemon-flavored soda pop.

The furniture here is all a golden-brown wood...
Actually, it's different
From the clean black furniture that's downstairs...
Maybe it's old.
And it's full of

Like old, old candy that they don't even sell anymore
And folded-up old lady clothes.
There's no magical doors of jewelry in here
Like the books say there are...

And there's some sheet music. I recognize some songs,
From the 1980s...
Wow, that's old
and I remember Mom and Dad used to play them
On our little CD player
From back when those were used a lot.

Actually there are CDs in one of these drawers
is that a radio there, on the floor?
And a CD player like my parents had
Once upon a....

The door creaks open and I jump up
Slamming the drawer
And Mom comes in...
Well, not my real Mom anyway.

Lost in the Rain ~ Book One of the Head in the Clouds seriesWhere stories live. Discover now