Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Dating is something so hard yet it's a big part of life.

We put ourselves out there in hopes of finding " the one".

Rejection sucks pain and simple.

It kills your self esteem, but it's something we all go through at least once in our lives.

They say it makes us stronger.

I don't know if I agree, but I did get through it.

Love is something most of us wants.

Some use it as a tool to hurt others.

They tell you they love you until they get what they want. A broken heart feels as if it's going to kill you at times.

Being hurt is never a good thing.

It can make you cold and bitter.

I write this because I've been there.

I loved and lost.

I was used, and hurt.

I cried many tears.

I want to help you do you don't hurt like I did.

Love is a beautiful thing, but it's not always perfect.

It's not a fairy tale.

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