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Chapter 1~ Vanilla and axe

April is dead

I mentally high five myself since I totally predicted that giving cliché endings like that didn't make sense it was so obvious she was going to die though

Since I'm not looking I easily bump into someone, I don't even bother to look up I easily just move my way around the person, since I'm not the speaking type at all I'm more like the Ogres who sleep under bridges and beside what's the point of speaking to strangers what if that person's home land 'Hi' means you have a stupid face and then the world explodes

Okay that obviously would never happen but you never know

I go to the receptionist's table meeting a lady with golden blonde hair tied in a neat bun
She smells like bubble gum not normal bubble gum but like the expensive ones

"Hello Mam I'm Samantha Middlemas please I would like to find my room" I say sliding her my Identification card smiling innocently

First impressions matter

"Okay Samantha...your room is 316" she politely says I climb the stairs of the huge school, I go to the 3rd floor of the building, and search for the room


What the hell is that, the sound of moans from my dorm

I reach for the door knob then draw back

"Oh Ryan Oh Ryan!" The voice screams

I look at the dorm number again to make sure it's my room

I slowly open the door, and what I see makes me shriek in disgust

"Oh my gosh!" The girl screams she stands up from her original position picking up her clothes and standing there, like I am legit going to put this in my number 2 most akward positions right  after when me and a skunk had a stare off for who gets the last slice of pizza

Damn you Skunk!

"Well this isn't akward at all" the girl says

And I stand there baffled

"I'm just gonna get the hell out of here"she says putting on her skimpy dress and walks out now drawing my attention to the guy on the bed his coffee brown hair positioned like sex hair

Well he did just have sex

He stares at me making me feel a little insecure my mum did say I should wear a dress and that it makes me look like less of a slob I drew the dress down since it showcased my bare legs his eyes never departing from mine he stands up I immediately turn my back covering my eyes

What can I say I have virgin eyes, and I do not wanna see a guy butt naked

I hear his chuckle and belt clatter

"You can turn around now" he says dryly and I do

Even though he isn't fully clothed I can manage it

I can definitely manage at a hot shirtless guy in my room speaking of my room

"What are you doing in my room?" I ask looking at him

"Don't you mean my room" he starts moving closer to me, and I start to back up

"No I mean my room" I say and finally stop moving if he thinks he can intimidate me with his fuckboy shit

His dead wrong

He keeps on stepping closer not stopping bringing his face closer to mine we were just inches apart, he scans my emotions and let's just say there wasn't much to scan my face was as stern as a rock

He smells like...Vanilla and Axe, I don't know why it's such a habit of me to smell people, you know a smell can tell alot about a person and besides I can easily tell who it is by just the smell of someone and I think it's really cool

He continues to analuse me looking for even a spek of emotion, my face still stern and serious he leans to my level since I was shorter than him taking his face to my ear

"It's gonna be fun having you as a roommate" he says before putting on his shirt and walking out the door

Okay then, so I have a guy for a roommate, a guy that has sex that is

But wait,  his a guy why in the chicken nudgets will they put a guy and a girl in the same room, maybe they like babies everywhere

I take a look at my room it's quite big, not as big as a master bedroom but it's bigger than the normal dorm room,With two single beds on each side a Tv and a mini fridge

I think I can survive

I lay down on the left bed, seeing as Ryan already choose his side of the bed

I never ask to suffer but I still do

I open my suitcase bringing out a shirt, sweater since the weather wasn't that friendly here and ripped jeans to wear for the orientation

It's good enough

I go into the toilet, since I don't want Ryan to come back unexpectedly and see me naked because I think I wouldn't even be able to cover up I'll just go into shock mode

I go into the toilet,  it's small but not congested the first thing I lay my eyes on is a condom which makes me cringe and that just makes me realise that me and Ryan in the same room is going to be one heck of an experience

I take a look at the mirror taking a good look at my hair, taking the brush on the sink and start to brush my hair

Wait I don't know where this brush has been!

I immediately throw the brush on the floor and go get the brush from my bag

This is gonna be one hell of a year


Okay so I don't know if it's good enough but I will definitely build on these characters

Thanks for reading!

Question: Dancer, musician or comedian

Me: Musician


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