Chapter 13

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I'm riding my bike down Main Street with Philip hot on my tail. We decided to have a race to see who could get to the park the fastest, obviously I accepted. I see the small, but functional, park in the distance.

"Ha, I told you I would win," I shout at Philip who is still behind me.

"Ha, you thought," says Philip casually as he rides by me.

Wha- NO.

"Philip, I swear to God." "What? What are you gonna do about it," he smirks, seeing as that he beat me to the park.

"This," I say as I get off my bike and walk over to him. I grab his jacket and pull him in towards me, connecting our lips in a passionate, yet gentle kiss.

I pull away after a few seconds and Philip looks dumbfounded. "O-okay," Philip says shakily. I just laugh and walk over to a bench and sit down, pedaling a mile at full speed can take a toll on your legs.

Philip walks over to the bench and sits down beside me. "So, why'd you get me to come to a park with you at this hour?"

I blush slightly and turn to face him, "Well, you said I would find out what you were gonna do, except I couldn't wait that long. So now we're here and you're gonna tell me."

Philip smirks, "Oh am I now?" He stands up in front of me, really close, almost too close.

I wish he was closer.

What, no I don't.

"Y-yeah." He walks closer to me, if that was even possible. "And what makes you think I am," he questions.

I think for a second before finally mustering up the courage to say it, "I'll kiss you if you tell me." The look on his face was a mix between shock and happiness.

"Okay fine. I was only going to say that I like you a lot and that I wish you liked me back, maybe now you do, I don't really know. All I know is that-" I shut him up by kissing him, hard.

His lips feel soft and gentle on mine. We move our lips in sync and at that moment, nothing feels wrong. It's just me and Philip, everything is good.

He pulls away first to breathe, even though I wanted to keep going. "That was, nice."

"Yeah, it was. Now do you know that I like you?"

"Wait? You do," replies Philip.

"No not at all. I just really like kissing guys in hopes of my dad catching me. Of course I like you," I smile at him. I can see the crimson blush rising up his neck.

"Oh, well obviously you know I like you too." I look down at my phone and see it's 1:27 am. "We should probably get going back home," I say to him.

"Yeah, alright."


We get back to Philip's house and he goes to his window. "I had fun tonight, thanks for forcing me to come out," laughs Philip. "Yeah no problem, we'll have to do it again soon."

Philip turns to face me, and he pulls me in for a kiss. This was a quick kiss, just a peck. Not full of passion or to get anything out of each other. This felt like it was full of, love. I pull away and he turns around to open his window. He climbs into his room, not so gracefully either.

As he closes his window I hear him say, "Goodnight Lukas. See you tomorrow babe." I can almost hear the wink.

I ride all the way back to my house with a smile on my face. I cannot wait for tomorrow.


OMG GUYS ITS BEEN SO LONG. IVE MISSED YOU GUYS HOW ARE YOU. i'm so sorry for taking so long to update. but i hope you like this chapter. i promise this will get better eventually. also this isn't edited to i'm sorry if there are mistakes, don't come for me. but y'all know the drill. don't forget to vote, comment, and recommend to friends. As always,
xx Addison

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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