Chapter 11

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Sunday Afternoon
We're all out in the front yard of my house having a good time. Dad is cooking hamburgers on the grill, the kids are running around playing tag, and me and Philip are on the porch talking. Helen comes up to us with a polaroid camera and says to us, "Boys, let's get a picture!" Me and Philip scoot closer together and get ready for the picture.

"I don't wanna smile for this," whispers Philip.

"I don't either actually," I say laughing a little.

"Let's just do something stupid."

"Okay boys. Ready? One, two, three."

On three we both make a silly face, sticking our tongues out.

We start laughing as Helen scolds us, "Boys! I said to smile, not to make a stupid face!" But she ends up laughing with us. "Here," she says as she hands us the picture and walks away.

"You look so happy," I say to him.

"It's the happiest I've looked since I got here, apart from last Friday night, of course," he says smirking at me.

"Oh my God shut up," I laugh at him.

"Why? Are you embarrassed?"

I blush and shake my head, "No. But my parents, or the church for that matter, don't need to know. Not yet anyways."

He looks a little bit sad after I said that, but he understands. "Okay, you wanna go inside?"

"No, I wanna take you on a tour," I say as I grab his hand and pull him inside and through the house, to the back door. "Take your tie off, don't question, just do it." He looks at me questioningly, but does it anyways. We walk out the back door, and up the hill into the woods behind my house.

"Lukas, where are we going? We've been walking for hours."

I turn back to look at him, "We've literally been walking for maybe ten minutes. Suck it up, city boy. Besides, we're almost there," I smirk at him and continue walking.

There's a tree that has a little slope that I walk up sometimes to get to the lake, so I start waking up. "Woah what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm waking up this limb, what are you doing?"

"Not that."

I sigh in exasperation. "C'mon Philip, I'll hold your hand if it makes you feel better?"

I see him smirk and I know he doesn't need help, but that he's not going to turn down us holding hands. "Okay fine."

I'm already half way up the tree, but I turn back around and hold out my hand. He takes it in his and we just look into each other's eyes for a moment. "Let's go to the lake." I turn around and start walking down the other of the tree, his hand still in mine.


We walk hand in hand down by the lake.

"It's so beautiful here Lukas."

"I know, I love coming down here." I pick up a rock and skip it on the water. There's a trail that I found when I was little that I thought I would take Philip down. It leads back up to the road my house is on.

"Can we go home yet? My legs hurt," Philip says as he laughs.

"Yeah. That's where this trail leads silly."

"Oh, let's go then," and with that Philip grabs my hand and starts walking.

"You don't even know where to go."

He looks back at me with a smirk on his face, "Lukas, it's a trail. It's not that hard to figure out."

I roll my eyes at him, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, just walk." And we start walking, back home, together.


Oh my god guys I am SOOOOO sorry for not updating. I have had literally so much going on and I didn't know where this story was headed. And I know this is going to sound stupid, but this was just kind of a filler chapter while I work on a good one. Anyways I hope you liked it and don't forget to comment, vote, and recommend to friends. As always,
xx Addison

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